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Old 05-2-2008, 07:51 PM   #24
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Default Re: Bus accident :).

Thread title should be renamed to "Official Thread of Accidents" or something.

I have quite a few myself that happened about 2 years ago or so.

The first accident was when I was on the way to school. My big brother was driving myself and my other brother. He stopped paying attention to the road for a second in a 45mph zone. He thought that the cars were still moving and well, they weren't. I was half asleep, but my other brother Mitch was awake and yelled a couple feet before we were about to collide into the SUV in front of us. In a panic our brother slammed on the breaks locking up the wheels and tried to swerve out of the way. He barely hit the SUV's left rear light, but we were apparently going fast enough for it to total the whole right front side of our car. The SUV we hit only had the rear light fall out, which I thought was funny considering there was no dents or anything. The guy that got out of the car just shrugged and tossed the light into the back of his car. The cops showed up shortly after and they actually drove myself and my brother to school because well, our brother's definitely couldn't make it. End of story. By the way no one was hurt.

The second accident was on the way to a LAN party with my cousin driving this time. We were going through the 45mph zone again this time in a different area where a Mc Donalds was to our right. Anyway, this guy pulls out of the Mc Donalds and gets about halfway across when apparently his SUV dies on him or at least that's what we thought. So, my cousin slams on his breaks and swerves to miss the guy's driver side door and instead slams into the front of this guy's SUV. Both cars ended up sliding a good 30-50 feet or so, and ended up in a turning lane luckily. So we get out and everyone is checking to see if everyone is ok. Both our car and the SUV were completely totaled from the wreck. Luckily no one was hurt, but my cousin and my brother went to the hospital anyway just incase because my cousin's neck felt somewhat stiff and my brother's knees felt funny. In the end all I had was a stubbed right thumb from bracing myself for the impact.

I had another, but I can't remember it right now, but I'll probably post it later if I remember.

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