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Old 04-30-2008, 09:01 PM   #13
The Chill Keeper
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Default Re: Imagine what we couldve done with the money we spent in iraq

Originally Posted by d4u7211 View Post
this is why bush is a r3tahd.
Don't get me wrong on this, Bush made several mistakes, but he is not entirely to blame for the problem. The head of Defense has more power than him. If Americans didn't want the war than take it up with the people who could have very easily said "NO" when they instead passed bills leading into it. Bush is not by any means the only one to blame. so let me change what you said a little.

Originally Posted by d4u7211 View Post
this is why the majority of the American political leaders are r3tahd5.
But what makes me more mad than that are the current candidates who are saying that they can change all of this. Other than Jesus himself, no one will ever be able to turn around the current economical status of America. It is in utter despair and is likely to fall down the same slippery slope China did a while back. We are slowly trading economical standpoints with China, and there is next to no chance of stopping it. We were unable to learn from China and other country's mistakes, we just had to make them ourselves. And this is the consequence.

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