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Old 04-30-2008, 06:59 PM   #7
Bynary Fission
Retired One-Hander
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Default Re: Imagine what we couldve done with the money we spent in iraq

The Constitution states we may not invade foreign countries without consent...especially with their government. Guess what. We replace Saddam Hussein and his regime with our own. Hmm...Bush broke some major laws there. Is he impeached? Of course not. The degenerates we call congressmen profit from all this, so they have no incentive to do anything. Even though he was a monster, he was their monster. Conditions weren't as bad under his rule as they are now. We had no excuse to topple his regime and replace it with our government.

Al-Queda was not situated in Iraq nor were the Islamic extremists from that country before it was invaded. So why did we go there? Oil, perhaps? If we were to secure it then we'd have a major advantage. There was no reason to invade it except to make money...considering the Bush family owns an oil business I wouldn't be surprised if this was the case.

With oil being near 120$, the money spent could have funded hydroelectric cars, or even make hydrogen cell cars commercially you have 2 million dollars? Anybody? Really, they only cost a cool 2 MILLION DOLLARS. But no, we're forced to use oil...and guess what? The oil companies posted record profits this quarter. Foe example, Exxon Mobil posted profits of over 13 billion dollars.

The national dropout rate is hovering at 33%, with it being almost 50% in deep urban settings. We could have funded schools better and helped educate tomorrow's bleak generation. Instead, we have the Leave All Children and Teachers Behind Act and the Zero Intelligence Policy, which doesn't work anyways. We're as violent as ever, and grades are often falsified to get basic sad is that?

My father was deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan for a total of 18 months...and he's payed for it. PTSD, nightmares and flashbacks, bursting out in tears at times randomly. Imagine all the men who have died fighting in this war that hasn't made much progress. Al-Queda has shown to recover in some areas of the Middle East to 9/11 levels. If the soldiers leave, then all hell will break loose, yet our senile, old, war-mongering president tries to convince us otherwise.

Yeah, 3 trillion dollars spent real wisely.

If you noticed this topic was written much differently from my others, because this is more personal than the others I post in...

~Bynary Fission
Newest Track (04/19/2024): Tell Us Who You Are [8-bit Chiptune]

Last edited by Bynary Fission; 04-30-2008 at 07:02 PM..
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