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Old 04-30-2008, 04:29 PM   #75
FFR Player
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Join Date: Jan 2008
Posts: 930
Default Re: 3 weeks into ffr playing

Wow, you guys are still talking in this thread? Well, hey, it's a nice EHHS video.

Here, so you guys won't be so bitter about my posts: Izzy has achieved awesome scores here at FFR and his EHHS video rules. I know how hard it is to recreate tough scores that take forever to get. Maybe EHHS is easy for Izzy, but I wouldn't want to try to AAA it on video, so 1 Good is terrific, especially at 4 AM.

As for all the BS calls, I called Izzy BS once and then said I was joking. After that, I never called him BS again, I just said that I won't believe anything about his scores until I've seen him play in person. And that doesn't just go for Izzy, that goes for everyone. It's only logical. Seeing as how a whole handful have seen Izzy play in person, cool, he's legit.

As for the guy that called me a suspicious noob, you weren't around when half the goddamn community attacked me for being a hacker when I unlocked The Five and it didn't record, were you? No, I don't remember your name at all. I know all about Izzy's SM scores and you know very little or nothing about me, so if anyone is a noob to what's going on around here, it's you. My comments were a direct parody of the things that people had said to me for things as stupid as "You got 20 Good and an Average on an FMO, you must be a hacker." So back off.

EDIT: Here you are.
Originally Posted by Exag0n View Post
Can't stop lolling at all of Yukari's posts. They should seriously make a section on FFR forums for just well-known/old players so that we keep out the suspicious newbs.
As for the rest of you, lighten up.
Originally Posted by ryanisadouche View Post
So anyways i was thinking, what if a single miss didn't stop your combo? Instead, your combo kept going until 2 consecutive misses were made. I think this would provide a more realistic ranking system, and eliminate a lot of mashing.

Last edited by -Yukari-; 04-30-2008 at 04:32 PM..
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