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Old 09-1-2007, 07:46 AM   #1
FFR Player
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Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 91
Default Simple Alternative for Key Remapping

This is a program to remap the cursor keys for FFR. It pre-dates the addition of in-game remapping. but improves on it by supporting all possible keys as well as dance-pads, guitar controllers etc. It also adds very convenient boo-out and try-again keys. It is designed to have the minimum of timing delay:
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Make sure the in-game remapper is set to the cursor keys

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The program defaults to remapping FFR R1, and can remap the cursors for other windows or programs too. Unfortunately, R2 and Resonance use low level keyboard access and it doesn't work with them.

Minimum Specification

Works in Windows XP and Windows Vista (may need to use "Run as Administrator" in Vista).
I'm afraid I'm not a Mac or Linux programmer, sorry guys...

To get the absolute minimum of timing delay, the program injects a message hook directly into the target window. This is flagged up as a potential attack by many firewalls and spyware programs - because accessing another window's messages could indicate unauthorised activity. In fact, the program is harmless and simply needs access to the keyboard messages to do its job. However, to be open, I've put the entire project and source code on the above site, so it can be checked and compiled by those who know how.

Last edited by MRichards; 11-10-2010 at 04:55 PM..
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