Thread: Eternal Living
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Old 08-3-2007, 06:15 PM   #8
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Default Re: Eternal Living

Originally Posted by Cats_Go_Meow View Post

The most common answer I get is, "God loves me." So I ask, "If God loves everyone so much, why is there war, terror, etc?"

They usually have no answer for that question. Most people have called me ignorant for questioning God's love.

Why is it everytime you ask a religious person a question that they cannot answer, you are being ignorant?

The reason is simple.

The reason we have War, Terror, Etc is because we do it to ourselves.

It's not gods wrong-doing every time someone is killed.

It's us. Human Life. Civilization.

We created the mess we are in.

I don't want to get into a holy war here. XD
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