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Old 04-22-2007, 09:11 PM   #1
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Default Do You Like Anime?

I for one, do not like anime. Here's my views on it.
Anime is much like the hip hop trend, but on the internet. It seems like everyone on the internet likes anime because it's what's cool on the internet. Not only this, but the action and style of anime bothers me. The people are often too cheery, unrealistic, and tend to act in a way that no one would ever act in real Life. All animes share these types of charateristics, and I suppose that's what makes them anime. I don't understand what everyone likes about anime, in my opinion, it sucks.
Now for the reason of this thread. If you like anime, please post your favorate show and specific reasons as to why it's good. Doing so will enlighten people of good anime shows, and it will put into context the concept of anime, possibly making me understand why it's so good a little more.

Edit* I just pulled a stupid move and put the parentheses next to the No option. The parentheses in the poll are supposed to be next to the "Yes." option.


Last edited by Lightknight924; 04-22-2007 at 09:14 PM..
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