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Cats_Go_Meow 08-3-2007 04:59 PM

Eternal Living
I have a question that has been bugging me for a while. I will keep this as short as possible while still explaining myself. Please offer answers and suggestions only, no pointless posts please.

Please try to see this through my point of view. If you believe in Eternal living, then why continue to live life on Earth? Life on Earth is miserable. War, Starvation, Murder, are just a few that make life horrible. If you could live happily forever, then why wouldn't you?

The most common answer I get is, "God loves me." So I ask, "If God loves everyone so much, why is there war, terror, etc?"

They usually have no answer for that question. Most people have called me ignorant for questioning God's love.

Why is it you ask some people a question that they cannot answer, you are being ignorant?

Kilgamayan 08-3-2007 05:08 PM

Re: Eternal Living
I'm pretty sure that suicide is a sin.

Even if it's not, "testing God" (in this case, killing yourself to see if you'll get into Heaven) is not advisable.

Where's Guido or chardish or Phil when you need them?

omgwtfToph 08-3-2007 05:13 PM

Re: Eternal Living

what the **** is "eternal living" anyway

what the **** religions believe in "eternal living on Earth"

I am pretty sure "eternal living on Earth" has been disproved because 100% of people born so far have died


GuidoHunter 08-3-2007 05:13 PM

Re: Eternal Living
Ever try to jump the Grand Canyon on a skateboard? Because that's a good metaphor for the logical leaps your taking in this argument. Or rather, these arguments, since you are saying a lot in very few words, which give no direction to discussion.

In fact, this sounds more like a rant than a discussion topic.



Cats_Go_Meow 08-3-2007 05:13 PM

Re: Eternal Living
Why exactly is Suicide a sin, can you please explain your reasoning to me.

Kilgamayan 08-3-2007 05:15 PM

Re: Eternal Living
Because committing suicide tells God that you think you're qualified to judge when a life is supposed to end.

Thou shalt not kill, after all.

GuidoHunter 08-3-2007 06:12 PM

Re: Eternal Living
Okay, here goes an actual response.


Originally Posted by Cats_Go_Meow (Post 1705861)
Please try to see this through my point of view. If you believe in Eternal living, then why continue to live life on Earth?

Because what you do on Earth dictates how you will live after death.


Life on Earth is miserable. War, Starvation, Murder, are just a few that make life horrible.
Life isn't miserable. I'm quite content, as I'm sure many people are. Sure, those are bad things, but there are good things, too: love, FFR, etc.


If you could live happily forever, then why wouldn't you?
That's the goal, but you've gotta work for it.


The most common answer I get is, "God loves me." So I ask, "If God loves everyone so much, why is there war, terror, etc?"
I think Toph covered that. Another angle would be that God loved us so much that he gave us free will and the capacity to do harm.


They usually have no answer for that question. Most people have called me ignorant for questioning God's love. Why is it everytime you ask a religious person a question that they cannot answer, you are being ignorant?
What's ignorant is that gross generalization of yours.



MrZombie 08-3-2007 06:15 PM

Re: Eternal Living

Originally Posted by Cats_Go_Meow (Post 1705861)

The most common answer I get is, "God loves me." So I ask, "If God loves everyone so much, why is there war, terror, etc?"

They usually have no answer for that question. Most people have called me ignorant for questioning God's love.

Why is it everytime you ask a religious person a question that they cannot answer, you are being ignorant?

The reason is simple.

The reason we have War, Terror, Etc is because we do it to ourselves.

It's not gods wrong-doing every time someone is killed.

It's us. Human Life. Civilization.

We created the mess we are in.

I don't want to get into a holy war here. XD

omgwtfToph 08-4-2007 03:10 AM

Re: Eternal Living
still the worst thread ever fyi

Kamon08 08-4-2007 03:45 AM

Re: Eternal Living
Eternal life can and will be good depending apon wat u belive or disbelive i already kno my enternal life will be awsome as can be so were do u think ur going o0?

omgwtfToph 08-4-2007 04:18 AM

Re: Eternal Living
aids o.O

Necros140606 08-4-2007 06:19 AM

Re: Eternal Living
rofl toph

Cats_Go_Meow 08-4-2007 08:49 PM

Re: Eternal Living

Philpwnsyou 08-4-2007 09:01 PM

Re: Eternal Living

Originally Posted by Cats_Go_Meow (Post 1705861)

The most common answer I get is, "God loves me." So I ask, "If God loves everyone so much, why is there war, terror, etc?"

They usually have no answer for that question. Most people have called me ignorant for questioning God's love.

Why is it you ask some people a question that they cannot answer, you are being ignorant?

Satan the Devil, who caused the first man and woman, Adam and Eve, to rebel against God, stands in opposition to God’s righteous standard and is appropriately termed “the wicked one.” (Mt 6:13; 13:19, 38; 1Jo 2:13, 14; 5:19) The rebellion initiated by Satan called into question the rightfulness and righteousness of God’s sovereignty, that is, whether God’s rulership over his creatures is exercised righteously and in their best interests. The fact that Adam and Eve rebelled also raised another issue: Would all other intelligent creatures prove unfaithful and disloyal to God when obedience appeared to bring no material benefits? Satan’s claim respecting faithful Job implied that they would do so. Satan said: “Skin in behalf of skin, and everything that a man has he will give in behalf of his soul. For a change, thrust out your hand, please, and touch as far as his bone and his flesh and see whether he will not curse you to your very face.”—Job 2:4, 5;

Time was required to settle the issues that had been raised. Hence, [YHWH] God, by permitting wicked persons to continue living, made it possible for others to share in proving Satan’s claim false by serving God faithfully under unfavorable and trialsome circumstances. God’s permission of wickedness has also provided an opportunity for individuals to abandon a wrong course and to subject themselves willingly to God’s righteous laws. (Isa 55:7; Eze 33:11) So God’s holding back for a time from destroying the wicked serves to spare the righteously disposed ones by allowing time for them to prove their love and devotion to [YHWH] God.—Ro 9:17-26.

Additionally, God makes use of circumstances in such a way that the wicked themselves unwittingly serve his purpose. Though they oppose God, he can restrain them to the extent necessary for the preserving of his servants in their integrity, and can cause the actions even of such persons to bring his righteousness to the fore. (Ro 3:3-5, 23-26; 8:35-39; Ps 76:10) This thought is expressed at Proverbs 16:4: “Everything Yahweh has made for his purpose, yes, even the wicked one for the evil day.”

A case in point is the Pharaoh on whom God, through Moses and Aaron, served notice for the release of the enslaved Israelites. God did not make this Egyptian ruler wicked, but he did allow him to continue living and also brought about circumstances that caused Pharaoh to manifest himself as being wicked and deserving of death. God’s purpose in doing this is revealed at Exodus 9:16: “For this cause I have kept you in existence, for the sake of showing you my power and in order to have my name declared in all the earth.”

The Ten Plagues visited upon Egypt, climaxed by the destruction of Pharaoh and his military forces in the Red Sea, were an impressive demonstration of God's power. (Ex 7:14–12:30; Ps 78:43-51; 136:15) For years afterward the nations round about were still talking about it, and God’s name was thus being declared throughout the earth. (Jos 2:10, 11; 1Sa 4:8) Had [YHWH] God killed Pharaoh immediately, this grand display of God’s power to His glory and for the deliverance of His people would not have been possible.

The Scriptures give assurance that the time will come when wickedness will no longer exist, as all those who stand in opposition to the Creator will be destroyed when his permission of wickedness will have served its purpose.—2Pe 3:9-13; Re 18:20-24; 19:11–20:3, 7-10.

Wlfwnd91 08-5-2007 12:59 AM

Re: Eternal Living
Please lock this thread? It's a mockery of CT

Kilgamayan 08-5-2007 01:10 AM

Re: Eternal Living
A mod has posted here twice without locking it.

I'm going to venture a guess that you don't know better than he does about what should and shouldn't be locked here.

In addition, there is a Report Post button. I suggest you use it in the future.

jewpinthethird 08-5-2007 03:13 AM

Re: Eternal Living
This thread has no direction, and is therefore going nowhere.

In before God doesn't exist.

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