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FFR Rank:40,487
FFR Average Rank:43,112
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FFR Games Played:1,420
Location:Fall River, Massachusetts, USA
Last Activity:06-28-2009
Forum Posts:164
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Member for: 19.9 years
Gaming Region:USA - New England
Profile Views: 5,162
Profile Votes:54
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Dragon_Master2557's Details
About me:
Hey =^.^= Hey! I'm Cory and I graduated this year from BMC Durfee High School. I'm an 18 year-old furry with limited skills in music. I can play the violin and piano proficiently. I know a buch of videogame themes and some classic pieces, but I only know the first half of most of them >_>;; I'm also a techie for the Durfee Teatre Company.I 'm a gamer and I also like anime/manga. Er...yeah, I guess that's itI'm desperately shy and quiet, do if you try to talk to me and I reply with something that seems half-assed, don't take it personally =^.~=
Furry, Orchestra, Theatre, FlashFlashRevolution, Anime/Manga Games, TV, Playing violin/piano
Fav Music:
Asian Kung-Fu Generation, Street Fighter EX+a OST, Nobou Uematsu, Rie Fu, DM Ashura, Crystal Kay, Cascada, StarFox 64/Adventure/Assault OST, Camille, etc.
Fav Movies:
Kill Bill Vol. 1, Kill Bill Vol. 2, Kung-Fu Hustle, The Bourne Identity/Supremacy/Ultimatum, Cloverfield, Chicago Little Shop of Horrors, The Quiet, Pan's Labyrinth, FullMetal Alchemist: The Conqueror of Shambala, Princess Mononoke, Spirited Away, Nausicca of the Valley of the Wind, My Neighbor Totoro, War of the Worlds Harold and Kumar go to White Castle, The Dark Night, Classic Disney movies (none of that Pixar bullshit, except for Ratatouille)
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Random Thoughts
*looks around*
Posted on: September 21, 2008, at 08:02:50pm   [0 comments]
Wow, it's been a while since I've been here =3

Now that I'm in college and have nothing to do for at least 60% of my days, I'll probably be around a bit more often.

Speaking of college, I decided not to go to Washington State just yet. Depending on how things go, I might reapply in two or four years. I just wasn't ready to move across the country. Do I regret the decision now? Kinda >.> But I think it's better that I didn't. I mean, I just learned how to do laundry today x.x

So yeah...stuff =^.^=

Last Day!
Posted on: May 16, 2008, at 07:44:09am   [0 comments]
Right now I'm in my last Web Design class for this year!!

Today's the last day of school for seniors. I've got like four classes left, then I get to leave early because I have no period 6 final.

Next week is finals, but they're not a problem. The only one I'm kinda screwed for is AP Bio >_>

Posted on: March 12, 2008, at 09:32:50am   [0 comments]
I've got a free minute in my Web Design class, so I thought I'd visit the site. =^.^=

I just got accepted to DigiPen Institute of Technology in Washington state. I don't know whether or not I'm going, though; it's really far away. So yeah, I kinda don't know what to do with that >_>

Eff yeah!
Posted on: February 3, 2008, at 09:23:27pm   [0 comments]
Pats loose!

Posted on: November 30, 2007, at 01:22:36pm   [0 comments]
Work has resumed on my house! So We'll be moving back in some time after Christmas, which means I'll have internet again at the earliest, the end of January; at the latest, I'd guess mid-February


Comment wall
Mogsworth writes...
at 9:35:33am on 8/15/09
Egads, it's been awhile since I've commented here! :c
_Phreak writes...
at 2:38:40pm on 12/19/08
Egads! A furry! *pokes your tail*
*cherryblossom* writes...
at 9:16:40pm on 10/25/08
lol thats good ^^
so whats new?
besides college anyways
*cherryblossom* writes...
at 12:51:00pm on 10/19/08
lol so did i ^^
ur shy?
ur not shy around me
*cherryblossom* writes...
at 1:52:12pm on 10/18/08
so whats college like?
is it fun?
*cherryblossom* writes...
at 3:58:02pm on 10/17/08
omg *hugs u*
ive missed u so much!!!
The Were Wolf writes...
at 2:43:13pm on 9/29/08
I stayed home today. Being sick sucks ;.;
The Were Wolf writes...
at 12:16:18pm on 9/29/08
X3 not much. How about yorself?
The Were Wolf writes...
at 8:10:59pm on 9/21/08
Hi there :3
*cherryblossom* writes...
at 12:54:13am on 7/21/08
finding out more about my strenghts and weaknesses
and the guy i like wont know that i like him because he is popularand he doent notice me T.T
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