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dore's Collab Stepped Songs
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Posted on: September 22, 2012, at 10:21:21pm   [0 comments]
I'll answer anything, assuming I see it lol

Since so many of y'all hate Bloodmeat so much...
Posted on: January 22, 2009, at 03:34:55pm   [15 comments]'s a detailed description of every section of the file. Enjoy.

I will use 1234 to describe step direction for simplicity's sake.

A rule I kept in making the file: for any repeated hits on drums I would make trill if it had more than three notes. I only kept them as jacks if they were minijacks.

[first portion stepped in double-time]
-Opening (syncopated riff) - (34)s go to guitar/cymbal, 2 is bass drum.
-Opening (other part) - unlayered guitar. I sacrificed absolute PR on the triplet right before next syncopated section because it would've created an awkward, obscenely fast jack.
-Syncopated riff repeats, the two 4th notes in a row are a byproduct of avoiding BNS.
-Other part repeats twice. The first repetition is the same unlayered guitar, the second follows the drums.
-Pre-verse - Jumps to guitar/drums, trills for the drumrolls with accents charted as jumps.
-Verse 1 - bass drum=1 snare drum=4, vocals on mostly 2&3 but occasionally using 4 if there's no snare and PR needed to use that column. Anytime from now I on I refer to drums/vox I am referring to this layering style.
-(12)(34)(12)s go to drums/guitar, I originally had them as jacks but they were stupidly hard so I changed them.
-End of verse 1 - jumps for the chords and drums and stuff with trills for the drumrolls.
[no longer in double-time]
-To the River Red part - the first part is a 14 trill for the bass drum with 2&3 following the guitar. The rest uses 1&2 for the guitar and drums, with layered vocals. If there was a blank space I used 4 for the crash cymbal. Minijacks on 4 for the snare hits.
-Chorus 1 - probably the most complicated layering. The vocals are A thousand fathers killed (333 3 1 1) A thousand virgin daughters spread (12 2 2 2 3 2 1) With swords still wet with swords still wet (12 2 2 3 4 3 2) With the blood of their dead (222 2 3 1). Then, the drums were layered in around that progression. Bass drum was the main factor, though the snare is stepped (minijacks are when there's just bass drum, normal 16ths for when there was a snare). "With the blood of their dead" follows layering closer to that of verse 1 but it has the different cymbal sounds represented.
-Nurjan is upon us - drums/vox, I ignored the guitar because the ostinato tapping is just an embellishment and not critical to the groove of the song.
-One measure of guitar interlude, stepped to the tab, then one measure of drums, ride cymbal on 2&4 with bass drum on 1.
[alternating double-time and normal time]
-Ghengis Khan is upon us - 1&2 for the guitar/drum backbeat with vocals on 2&3&4 (bass drum is ignored because it would be messy). The duh duh duduh duh duh duh parts had hands originally but Tass made me take them out, so now they're the same as the intro.
[full double-time]
-Intro guitar lick repeats.
-Verse 2 - link from hook to verse has snare on (34) and bass drum on 1 or snare on 4 and guitar on 1&3, whichever suits you. The rest of the verse is drums/vox.
-Breakdown - jumps for the big chords of the guitars, drumrolls added in for extra spice. Mini guitar solos are stepped to the tab. "Hear the sound" is ignored because the other part is more dominant and since it's just improv. From "Clamoring" on I go back to drums/vox except for the guitar solos. After the breakdown there's the longer solo with hands for loud notes at the end.
[normal time]
-Pre-chorus - same progression as earlier but with the cymbals stepped. 12ths at the end go pretty obviously to the drums.
-Chorus 2 - polyrhythmic section - vocals charted to the same progression but the bass drum 12ths are fit in as trills wherever available. The vocals are on 8ths while everyone else is playing 12ths.
-Tomorrow - guitar and snare, pretty simple. Guitar interlude stepped to the tab, I skipped the last few notes in order to give that ringing snare hit more emphasis.
-F-C-G chorus (Tomorrow they will find us, etc.) - drums/vox.
-False outro - same as intro, last (14)s are different because of the accented snare sound.
-Ending - jumps to powerchords, single notes to open strums (based on the lead guitar part on the tab). Vocals layered on. Ending quad just for kicks :)

first avatar change since I joined the site
Posted on: December 1, 2008, at 01:50:06pm   [4 comments]

Retrospective on my own files
Posted on: September 14, 2008, at 12:16:50am   [14 comments]
Hey look I can copy hi19hi19! It's a good idea lol. If you don't like it you can shove it. But you don't like it you love it. So I'll be up here... oh wait. Here are my thoughts on all of my files in FFR. Feel free to comment and tell me how much my opinion sucks :)

Tetris Remix - It was my first file, and I was very inexperienced. The file isn't really bad it's just that the difficulty engineering is so retarded all of the chart's merits are killed right there. I probably should've picked a better song to start out with.

Torinouta (Noise Rave Mix) - This is probably my favorite Sharpnel song, and the cut is perfect for it (I used someone else's cut). I think this file is still pretty good: it combined rhythmic technicality with decent PR (where applicable) and still came out pretty fun without being uBeR tEcHnIcAl.

Come With Me - It is what it is, a fun easy file that retains accuracy to the music, something that most easy file authors neglect.

See You Dance - OK I made this in like 10 minutes for the FFRmas event, don't judge lol

Play It Funky - Fun and somewhat PR while not really being technical. It came out pretty well I think.

Xuxa - note to self, don't use left turns :(

Troglodytic Epica - Nothing spectacular, but it's pretty fun and it keeps up with the rise and fall of intensity pretty well.

Fall - Decent PR and pattern-crafting. It's not great or anything and I definitely could've done more with the polyrhythms and layering opportunities but for my level of experience at that time it wasn't bad.

Final Fantasy 3 Boss - Pretty good PR (with plenty of interpretation thrown in but still good). I wish I had done more with the ending guitar solo but it's pretty fun overall.

Robotix - cLiMaX tHeOrIeS!!1 There's not really that much room for stepping this song. There's a few inconsistencies but it turned out alright. I know lots of people hate the greens but there's absolutely nothing to step there and I figured I'd tribute the famous 1337bpm speedup in the ITG chart.

Zodiac - Pretty generic file, but it was about all I could do with the song. Fun and good for beginners working their way up.

Exotica - This was kinda like Zodiac but I tried to use interesting patterns. Some of it worked, some of it was kinda dumpy. So it's pretty mediocre with some unique patterns and some generic parts with bad stuff thrown in lol. Not my best effort, but not bad.

Disconnected - hey look I can make a file in 10 minutes... OK it's not that bad and the patterns are decent for an easy file I guess.

Made In Innocent - This was a really weird song to step because of the layering of multiple time signatures on top of each other. The patterns aren't great or anything because I was more worried about making weird turns for index than I was with putting together PR patterns. It's still somewhat fun to play, even with the weird patterns and stuff.

Tell - This is a really good easy file made specifically for one-handers. I actually put thought into the patterns and it came out as a much better easy file for it.

Brooks Was Here [Heavy] - The offsyncness was only partially my fault, but I probably never should've stepped this anyway. Whatever.

Honey, I've Never Had Sex That Wasn't Awkward [H] - Not in FFR R1 yet, but it's a really good file. Play it in the widget if you can.

[omitting Skindred songs since it doesn't seem they'll ever be released]

Song For All Time - Someone (Chardish I think) asked me to step this so I did. I did the best I could.

Neon-213 - Not technical at all. It's intended to be a climax-theory song and I wanted to use the doublesteps in the final stream for the chord changes, which I though turned out really cool and really fun.

Vi Sitter I Ventrilo Och Spelar DotA [Heavy] - This was originally going to be a pad file but I couldn't add in the 12th jacks and I had to water down some stuff and it just came out bad. There really isn't much stepping potential for this song, though, so whatever. I don't really care. It'll still always be a popular file just for the song.

Fly With Me (ITG Cut) - pad file, don't judge :)

The Epidemic of Unexpected Relapses [Hard] - Definitely my most ambitious file in FFR and the results were great. It's not technical from a PR standpoint but I think the file would've really sucked if I stepepd it completely technically. But this is my best file (I think Pimp Slap has a better chart but it was much easier to step) and I'm glad that others have enjoyed it, since it was by far the hardest thing I've ever attempted to step.

Speed Limit 38 - The song is way too trippy to step well since everything fades in and out. Where do you stop the stream, when you can barely hear it or when it finally fades all the way out? I did the best I could at the time, but it wasn't really a good song choice to make a great file. The ending is really awesome and makes it all worth it, though.

Infection - easy index/pad file, what can I really say?

Four Vents - I really love this song and I wish it was more appreciated. The chart is alright, it's remains somewhat consistent even though the patterns are pretty random. I still find it really fun to play, and I think it's a decent chart.

Back in the Day - I tried a different style of jump placement for this, it worked out alright I guess, it's just a bit awkward sometimes. It was a worth the shot, and at least it's different.

The Divine Suicide of K [Heavy] - Probably my most hated file (by the FFR public). I made this on a deadline and I wish I could redo parts of it. The beginning shouldn't have 32nds, the ending (before the repetitive part) is understepped, and I picked the wrong thing to step in lots of places in between. But I do stand by lots of stuff, such as the purple notes in the verses (which are intentionally done by the drummer) and the speedup at the end (since I can't cut widget files). If you don't like it, I can understand why, but it's not a terrible file like some people think.

Rocking Ass - The chart isn't really that good, I made some dumb decisions on what and what not to step and how to step it, but the song's cool and it's at least rhythmically all right.

Floating Bridge - meant for one finger lol, cool song

{I Don't Need You Anymore} - It's a little repetitive, but I'm cool with that because the song makes it worth it. I hate that I had to water down some of the 24ths and 32nds to get it through the batch, but ignoring the watering down it's a decent file. It's not my favorite but it's fun and a great song.

Dishwater - Not realyl a good song for stepping but I love FSR and I want to force others to listen to them as well :). I did what I could with the file, just ignore the arrows and bask in the awesomeness that is the song.

Blue Army - This was meant to be a fun file because I don't know of any way a technical file could have worked for this song. IMO the song lends itself to how I stepped it for climax theory and all that stuff. I like it.

Pimp Slap - My favorite FFR file by me, the song lent itself to stepping perfectly. I love how this one turned out.

Purple - me: hey I wanna make a 230bpm stream song wait I dunno any 230bpm songs hey let's make one lolololol. The song isn't that bad but it's not great, either. The file's fine for what it is, I guess.

Tell v2 - Pre-avmiss-fix so I couldn't do a jacky version (although I later made a Tell v3 with jacks) but it's as PR and awesome as I could make it with those limitations. I really like the way the left-hand patterns turned out and it's a good example of how technicality and fun can find a middle ground in mid-difficulty files.

Disconnected Hardkore - Probably one of my better files, it isn't all that technical in a lot of places but it's fun. This was made pre-avmiss-fix so I had to avoid 8th jacks at the end and stuff like that.

Funktacular - PURE WIN!!! OK backstory. One day I got bored, so I made this beat. I liked it but I found no context for it to be used. Another random day I got bored once again. I started screwing around with one of the bass synths on FL. Then I realized it would work well with the beat. So I fused them together and added the solo section. So here it is. It's a generic file but it didn't really have much potential, I just wanted to make FUNKTACULAR!!!1

Empornium - Dishwater v2 lol, but with more awesome lyrics.

Hey Ladies - More FSR; it's all pretty much the same but I don't feel bad about that because there's so little hiphop compared to everything else in the game.

SM Drum Pack
Posted on: August 26, 2008, at 10:31:46am   [1 comment]

Go here. It's awesome.

Comment wall
Wayward Vagabond writes...
at 3:51:31am on 10/28/18
Happy birthday dude, hope life has been treating you good 8)
ivy34 writes...
at 5:18:30pm on 8/29/18
can i have the file for dishwater?
dAnceguy117 writes...
at 1:53:25am on 3/28/15
hahaha, no worries! I just moved wayyyy south and haven't updated my facebook or anything yet, oops
dAnceguy117 writes...
at 9:03:02pm on 3/23/15
yo I might be in knoxville for a weekend sometime wanna hang out???
MarioNintendo writes...
at 8:06:12pm on 9/16/14
do you still play this game?
klimtkiller writes...
at 3:53:50pm on 12/31/13
klimtkiller writes...
at 1:33:39pm on 12/31/13
wow i think you're file, largiloquent dithyramb is going to make me quit because after 131 attempts to AAA (i finally did it) my laptop is messed up and it's unplayable
LegitMusicProducer writes...
at 3:52:36pm on 12/14/13
Hello yes, am to wondering interested in step arrow produce for music? Thanks you.
masternaruto122 writes...
at 1:54:35pm on 11/26/13
thnx for puting down with the sickness i love that song i just found it to check out my replay
ffr212 writes...
at 5:51:32pm on 10/28/13
Enjoy your birthday.
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