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Posted on: April 26, 2008, at 12:32:38am

lets start from the beginning:
there were these things i that i kept in
and no...they werent my fav pair of sox
there were these quarrelsome things...emotions
they fill ppl up like a thousand + 2 oceans
there was happy, sad,
there was dopey
there was glad...
there was anger and depression
and all they did was build up tension
so one day i let them all out
i left them out to scream and to shout
they played all day
they played all night
they played until they finally thought it wasnt right
they cleaned up evrything
all the muck, scum, sharp objects that sting...
and they took it all with them bak into MY BOX...
itz funny cuz after that they never came bak out...
and MY BOX...
well it doesnt even have locks
soo y?
i think i kno...
lettin them play isnt exactly ma peice of pie...
so i keep them inside...
and i lie...
to u, ppl, and even myself...
i say im fine
but really i will never let u inside my mind...
so accept i im not God,
im not divine
and i know these poems may shock
but u kno wat???
i accidentely threw out the lock...
but i dare u come close...
try to attack...
cuz all u'll feel iz a slight discomfort...tho a lethal dose
and then...
u never hurt me again...
i killed u n im on the last train...
am i a runaway emotion???
no...actually two
confusion and hurt thatz wat im going thru...
but hey emotions are for the weak...
thats why i found those two and all the others...
n even tho i threw away the lock...
im goin to use glue

  1. fuckin AWESOME BE-OTCH!! hey u get ur poem talentz from mua right here lol jk but seriously AWESOME! DA BOMB!!!

  2. wow u write good poetry. its god that u let everything out keeping it in would give u nervous breakdowns and believe me u don't want them.

  3. thats so awesome. i like its its so cool:)

  4. i love love love every part of it its like soooo damn awesome.

  5. good poetry skills love. i wish i could write poetry. whenever i write it lik totally sucks.:(:) ur better than me and ur avi is like so adorable:)

  6. yoo..that was greatt!!..i love that poem..and its madd of these days im get through to you..muhahahah..xDDDD

  7. very cool.:)

  8. THAT S GOOD POetry. i could never rite that. ^_^ -^_^-

  9. one word AWESOME

  10. yo the poems were wack i luv em all dude ;-}

  11. that is really good!!!!!!!!!!!!