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Am I Wrong?
Posted on: January 5, 2013, at 07:44:20pm

What's up with girls always putting up Marilyn Monroe quotes and pictures like she's some sort of role model?
Ladies, the woman died of a DRUG OVERDOES, is remembered for banging a MARRIED man, and the person she willed everything to cared so little for her he didn't even honor her will. Also she wasn't fat, you chubby chicks are clinging to a false idol.
You know why she's on Facebookk and girls aren't quoting Susan B. Anthony or Elanor Roosevelt? Because Monroe looked better in a skirt.
That's right you're all just as sexist as men.

  1. Roasting Mykaylamackenna slowly. Gotta respect the burn.

  2. Wow, that was brutal. I have to give it to ya. Agreetions!

  3. Respect.