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Posted on: April 16, 2008, at 07:09:02pm

  1. B-E-A-U-TI-FUL *sniffle*

  2. Nice job.
    keyboards aren't really me ; i play guitar, but...
    it was awesome anyways. :D

  3. u play rlly good

  4. Pfft that's nothing! I plays me a mad row-your-boat ~head bangs~

  5. you should find a way to make a stepfile to your songs.

  6. soooooo awesome. ^_^

  7. yo!! that was great... i think that song so totally should be on FFR!! two thumbs and two big toes up!!

  8. timmy boo has skills <3 :]

  9. did u right this?! i awsome! and yes thisld be kool to play on ffr xD