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Posted on: March 20, 2009, at 09:50:21pm

ok this is kinda personal but snice not many ppl know me on here lol i think its kool well...i guess at skool ppl judge me and ya i know ur thinking everyong judges everyone like by to fat or the way they dress or act...well appertanlly ppl judge me for how i look as in weight and if ur thinking oh then shes is a big girl im gonna say no....well in some places i am if u get wat i mean lol jk jk or am i but any way i weigh around o idk 100 to 105 lol and ya i guess its thin but im so use to it lol im about 5'9 so alot of ppl have werid names tht i hate but deal with cause hell who cares. wat hurts me the most is when ppl say (sorry for spelling) o ur annerixect or belimick (i guess it also didnt help tht i fainted like 2 weeks into a new skool year at somewat a new skool)(my bad lol :) but its cause i was late and didnt eat breakfast so i had low blodd sugar but they dont think tht) i mean i probally eat more then them lol and theres ppl tht rly r but they dont say tht shit to them...well if ur reading this and think o well she is full of herself im rly not im just sick of it and no one will take me seriously when i say it hurts...i have always been skinny so honetly i liek tht i am...but if anyone can relate to this like in any way and u feel like u need to tell someone tlk to me k? and we can help each other
IM SKINNY AND TALL AND THATS JUST ME!!!if u wanna ask me anything or like junk ill answer like all questions i just needed to vent this and it probally wont be up from long. well lol thx for readin this and wasting ur time. :)

  1. I know where your comming from for you it's a lot harder than me though, cause I'm a guy, so it's kinda normal to be thin and tall, But it's not your fault if you burn calories faster then they do! I'm older now 18, so I can actually put on weight now I'm still thin only 140 and I'm 5"11 last I checked. You shouldn't be sad or depressed. Be proud of who you are! I didn't think you were full of yourself at all your just going through a rough time. Good Luck.

  2. you wernt waisting my time, i always have time to read long... long storys... LOL
    but yah ppl in this world are so crul, and im glad to meet some ppl who arent.... nice to meet you by the way

  3. I respect you.

  4. oh and dont cuss.. i dont like it..