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Last Activity:12-01-2009
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toxiclanemaster's Details
About me:
My name's Dougl'ass. I'm an open book, without an ending. So if you want, come and write a page or two with me. :] I think different, I have A.D.D and A.D.H.D so I might never make sense to you. Hmm I like candy, just sayinnn' I say we talk, about what ? I really don't care, that my friend is up for you to decide.
Love, Life, and the pursuit of happyness. ♥
Fav Music:
Ask me, and I'll be damn happy to tell you.
Fav Movies:
Coraline. Sweeny Todd. Twilight.
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Random Thoughts

Posted on: August 17, 2009, at 12:33:52pm   [0 comments]

I don't care this made my day.
Posted on: August 10, 2009, at 04:51:16am   [0 comments]
What If,
Every day was treated like a new beginning?

Where grudges, bitterness, unforgiveness, and worries died the moment your head hit the pillow. And at the time you had awaken to a new morning your mind would be renewed, not lacking knowledge or wisdom from the past, but building on what has been made from prior situations and circumstances.

Each person you'd come into contact with you'd treat like it had been the first time you'd met them and your first impression persona was at the top of it's game. Being kind, loving, unconditional in terms of your friendship in how things are done to show thanks. What if, we did things without having presumptuous intentions of wanting to be thanked for what we had done.

What if, we shared our gifts just out of love and never had the expectations of wanting to be loved in return, because we had the reassurance of knowing we're already loved regardless of what we do.

What if, our confidence was placed in something bigger then ourselves so that our dreams weren't limited to our own fears and insecurities.

What if, believing was reality?

Comment wall
HannahhHorror writes...
at 9:03:16am on 8/18/11
I feel like I've seen you somewhere. c:
morganalyse writes...
at 5:55:30pm on 12/1/09
hey! whats up?
elmo_lover09 writes...
at 9:55:13pm on 11/29/09
hey how are you?
azngirl123 writes...
at 6:38:43pm on 11/23/09
haii again :]
whatcha doing for thanksgiving??
Andiana writes...
at 6:25:50pm on 11/17/09
So, I was going to give you a thumbs up, but apparently, I already have.
and then, I saw that you have The Title in one of your RTs, and they're like, amazing. So, yeah. Though, I like Distance and Where You Are better than Ever So Slightly. x:
azngirl123 writes...
at 6:22:20pm on 11/17/09
same thing :D
we can talk for awhile to keep u out of boredommm
azngirl123 writes...
at 6:13:45pm on 11/17/09
you're adorable :]
whats up?
azngirl123 writes...
at 6:12:15pm on 11/17/09
haii :]
blow_kisses_not_coke writes...
at 9:15:02am on 11/14/09
KazekageGaaraluvr writes...
at 9:21:43pm on 11/13/09
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