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Posted on: May 15, 2012, at 11:02:32am

this is the song that played in disgaea: afternoon of darkness when flone died.. then laharl sacrificed his own life to bring her back :l yeah, this song sure is happy

  1. oh my. i cried a bit listening to this.

  2. this is one of the only things that makes me sad...

  3. Same here. I also cry at sad endings in movies.

  4. ikr?

  5. well... some movies, others i laugh at the sad parts

  6. you laugh at sad parts? wtf?

  7. i told you, ive lost some of my emotions

  8. i guessed

  9. meh imo those emotions were and still useless, if i dont know someone then i dont care about them

  10. you know me so that means.........i'm safe n.n

  11. yup

  12. heh heh you really know how to get me going in my days n.n


  14. ok then lol

  15. lol i love randomness

  16. same =^.^=

  17. Just like my love for you n.n

  18. :P

  19. (oh dear it's seems......I'm in love with umbre o.o) umbre I um.....have a crush on you (blushes)

  20. (blushes) and i dont know what to say to that

  21. Sure you do. You just don't want to say it n.n

  22. well yes and no...

  23. 'scuse me?

  24. Come on. I asked you who you could have a crush on 'round here. And I got the answer I was hopin for. So there ain't no reason why you should deny what I said.

  25. :p

  26. n.n look I'm not Lyin.

  27. Ok I never said you were

  28. Look I have a crush on you so accept it.

  29. i am/do :p i never said i didnt/dont

  30. O.o your insane.

  31. *bows* thank you

  32. i need somone like u

  33. fot what?

  34. You'lllll seeeee

  35. k...?

  36. for...... what do u think it'll be?

  37. i dunno


  39. o.o

  40. i'll make a youtube video of it when possible.

  41. ok

  42. if i can

  43. kk

  44. my friend got mad at me and threw an iceball in my face.

  45. that sucks... :c