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this is my happy song ._.
Posted on: May 15, 2012, at 10:49:55am

  1. This is the same song I swallowed 150 pills to and was put in a psychiatric ward the next day.

  2. i know..

  3. glad ur still alive

  4. If you're anything like me, you're singing at the beginning but almost crying ur eyes out at the end.

  5. o.o why can't i stop listening to this song!

  6. to rin, i would cry but i've lost that emotion...
    to eternal, thats what i keep saying/thinking

  7. Hmmmm I got nothin lmao.

  8. meh

  9. don't you meh at me!

  10. meh

  11. grrrrr chaos........blast! (fires a beam of dark energy at you that cannot be blocked or dodged) that'll teach ya.

  12. (dies)

  13. -.- (goes over to you and whispers) *healtrenome* (instantly revives you)

  14. huh wha? what happened???

  15. healtrenome, duh. it works like a sacred ash item

  16. it easy. you said meh twice, i got pissed and killed you with chaos blast, then i revived you with healtrenome.

  17. ok fine you win ;p

  18. win? were we fighting or somethin? lol i has bad memory

  19. idk lol im just saying you win :P

  20. Utter fail u.u

  21. for you or me...?

  22. Er both of us?

  23. Oh

  24. I DON'T KNOW!

  25. me neither ._.

  26. What do we not know?

  27. idk -_-

  28. Idk neither. Lolz i'm brain dead. rainbows FTW

  29. cools

  30. woooooooooooooot

  31. :l

  32. i try to catch rainbow 50 times. i fail all 50 times noooooooooes

  33. wow lol

  34. oh wait i has one. (throws a rainbow at you) no asking how i did it.

  35. o.O okaayyy... lol

  36. lolz randomness FTW

  37. kewls