Back to the #1 umbreon's profile
Posted on: May 9, 2012, at 03:05:38pm

WE ARE MOVING AGAIN but we are staying in virginia, just a different part, also i was failing 3 out of 4 classes so my parents are making it even harder for me to contact you guys because they are very rarely letting me use the tv ect. so ill contact you guys whenever i can but it might take awhile, sorry :c

  1. ...

  2. ooooohhhh now i see what takes you so long to answer. why are you failing! failures are dark times, umbre, daaaarrrrkkkk tiiiimmmmeeeessss. lol i just said it like that to be funny.

  3. well i WAS failling, not anymore tho, but my parents now want to send me to a bording school :/

  4. O.o whats a boarding school? i knew what it was but its slipped my mind lol.

  5. basicaly its where i live at the school and i cant use any electronics

  6. ****

  7. sorry, bad language lol. what? i get it from my continuously swearing mother. blame her not me!

  8. lol ok then X3

  9. Are you making fun of me?

  10. no i just thought that was funny how you said that

  11. yeah ok. boarding school, does it suck?

  12. from what ive heard, yes

  13. Then don't go! I wouldn't be caught dead in a school like that!

  14. ugh school is the pits. i never like going there.

  15. its not my choice... but luckily im only going to a private school

  16. why do i hate school? i keep thinking i'm in prison when i go there lol.

  17. it pretty much is a prison -_-

  18. I TOLD YOU!

  19. and im agreeing with you

  20. yay n.n