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if i die young...
Posted on: April 10, 2012, at 04:14:59pm

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Death seems much more easier than life. It's peaceful and you don't have to worry about anything. The thing is, it's harder to live your life & be strong than to die & run away from the problems in life. The stronger you are, the more painful things you'll have to face. If you run away from everything, you wont get hurt but you'll be weak & cowardly. I guess I'm just not strong enough. Sometimes I think I would be better off dead, but then I wonder, what will people think of me when I'm gone?

reikachan12 4 days ago in playlist Songs 31
why is it that durring life erbody hates you and when you pass everybody sems to feel sorry bought what the did 2 you durring life that what i dont get they hate your gut them them sudenly your bff cause your dead or hurt(broken limb)
lezbian gurll 3 days ago 9

  1. umb dont do something stupid ok...promis me that love ya bud <3

  2. ill try not to

  3. you better try not to there are alot of ppl that love you david including me ok? your not weak either your just diffrent at how you do things

  4. different in a bad way.... :/

  5. no never in a bad way..sometimes wish i was more like you so no not a bad way

  6. meh

  7. dont meh me mister

  8. hem

  9. well halb

  10. blah

  11. Well man, coming from someone who's already givin it multiple attempts, been put in psychiatric hospitals for it, and spoken to just about every kind of doctor because of it, I can honestly say I'd rather you didn't do that. You ever need someone to talk to man I'm probably the one you should talk to.

  12. Oh and check out Bullet by Hollywood Undead, that was the song I kept listenin to when I was in a serious funk, also the song I listened to before swallowing 150 pills at once.

    This was my song when I was going through hell. If you ever feel you've hit rock bottom, remember that the only way life can go from that point is up.