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Location:Edmonton, Canada
Last Activity:05-10-2013
Member for: 16.96 years
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sunnybend's Details
reading, manga, video games, knitting, doctor who, and plenty of other stuff
Fav Music:
Coheed and Cambria, Enter Shikari, Haste the Day, Protest the Hero
Fav Movies:
300, Lord of the Rings, District 9, The Goonies, Zoolander, Labyrinth
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Drastic-Dreams writes...
at 2:56:12am on 11/20/15
You still use this?
Drastic-Dreams writes...
at 6:02:19am on 1/12/13
I'm finally on! Not in time for Christmas but I do hope you had a good one. Mine was okay. I finally got around to trying Pokemon White 2 though. And if your still wondering it's awesome. Better than the first. You get other generation Pokemon on it not just the one generation. And the characters look better too. I'll try and get on MSN sometime soon so we can have an actual conversation. I'm still missing you. And I hope to talk soon.
Drastic-Dreams writes...
at 2:56:13am on 12/12/12
I want to apologize for not showing up for a while. I'm not sure when I'll be able to make it on again either. But I just thought I'd let you know that I miss you and I'm thinking about you. Sorry for the lame ass response too. D:
Drastic-Dreams writes...
at 11:46:48pm on 10/25/12
MSN when you see this? If you still have me. Let's chit-chat. :P
Drastic-Dreams writes...
at 2:07:45am on 10/17/12
LOL. Oh god. I really hope you don't start actually calling it that.. but I guess it wouldn't be so bad either since I'm the one who sounded cute. ;3 And I see. Huh.. that should be real interesting to see. Silver/white hair. Don't see a lot of people with that kind of hair. You'll be quite unique. Oh boy! You're still all excited to hear my accent? I bet we would both be kind of awkward though.. plus.. it has been a while since we've talked. I'll keep it in mind though that I can ask you questions too! And heels? Hehe, too cute! To be honest.. I don't know my height right now, but I will measure sometime for you and let you know, okay? But eh.. for the most part I am pretty busy. Either helping my dad with stuff, or with friends. I try and keep busy though. Try to keep my mind off of stuff and what not. I'll go into more detail when we have a more private place to talk.
Drastic-Dreams writes...
at 1:56:36am on 10/17/12
Haha! Maybe tomorrow or the day after would be better then. Don't worry though we will for sure have a conversation soon. Sorry I kind of feel like I neglected your paragraph and I feel a bit bad now. D:
Drastic-Dreams writes...
at 1:42:41am on 10/17/12
Are you still awake right now? If so we should chat it up on MSN? o.o
Drastic-Dreams writes...
at 12:55:13am on 10/17/12
Hahaa! I guess that's true. And uh.. I didn't mean to do that. LOL. Oh gosh. I had to stop typing for a minute cause I laughed too much. I guess your right though about the whole dependent thing.. but if you really think about it, thats how most if not all long distance relationships are. Hehe. So why did you go blonde? You just wanted to try something new? And who knows maybe one day we'll actually be able to cam soon. I'm planning on buying my very own laptop sometime soon, hopefully. That would be awesome, huh? But yeah. Feel free to ask me anything. I'm pretty much an open book when it comes to you. You're pretty much still the only person I would trust with stuff. But I have gotten a bit taller, but not by much. I'll still ALWAYS be taller than you though! :P
Drastic-Dreams writes...
at 12:37:05pm on 10/12/12
Ha.. your lucky! I really want a Wii. Marty Party is so fun on them. And that hug from you still sounds wonderful. Do you ever still wonder how things would have turned out if I hadn't left on you? Sometimes I find myself wondering. But yeah.. your.. well.. I never imagined you blonde before. It looks good. LOL. That sentence sounded so awkward. But yeah.. you know me. I never really know what to say. If you really want to know something I suppose you should just come right out and ask me it specifically. If you don't do that.. this will have been my answer. Everything is still same old, same old with me. I'm still with my dad, helping my dad and all that stuff. We get along a liiiiitttlle better now. Not much, but I suppose it's better than nothing. I think soon though I might finally leave. Not too much had changed for me since we last talked.
Drastic-Dreams writes...
at 1:22:02am on 10/9/12
I for sure will tell you once I get a chance to play it. And huh.. that sounds like it would be interesting. Man.. things seem so advances nowadays, huh? But Pikmin 3.. yeah.. I can see why you would want it so bad now! Haha. Hmm.. maybe if you ever do find your way to Amsterdam we can finally see eachother. It's a pretty nice place. Most people would say otherwise and call me crazy.. but I'm just used to it here. That's all. And yesh! For sure with the Zelda series. You want to start from the beginning. You'll probably find that the best games are Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask though. Oh.. and Twilight Princess. Heh.. I'm still waiting to try the one on the Wii. Skyward Sword. Wow. $250. Huh.. no wonder it looks so good! And that's very true, do what makes you happy! Pah.. no kidding! You were the one being the tease, but hey.. I have my moments too. :)
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