Good Profile! UnCool! 
FFR Player
FFR Average Rank:59,475
FFR Grandtotal Rank:722,300
FFR Grandtotal:2,710,160
FFR Games Played:40
Location:Virginia Beach, Virginia, USA
Last Activity:02-23-2019
Member for: 11.18 years
Gaming Region:USA - Mid-Atlantic
Profile Views: 281
Profile Votes:2
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About me:
"Do you like waffles?!" That should be the start of anyone's conversation when meeting new people...It's a great way to start off a conversation and it throws people off and they'll be like "WHAO?! Waffles?!"...It me. I also like to cook for my friends yummy Spanish foods (they love it). I can make a lot of Spanish food, so if you want any, lemme know and I'll make you Spanish yum yums. I also like yelling out obscene things in Spanish, it really stirs up the should try it...try it! I'm a bio kid. I love Chinese food. Oh! I also like heard correctly...I like germs. Ever since I first took my Bacteriology course...I've come to realize how amazing germs are...Without as we know it can't exist. Hooray germs.
Keeping busy! Whether it's doing some good 'ol house cleaning, working, or just spending time with family, friends, or my boyfran.
Fav Music:
My music library is quite diverse! But if I had to break it down to my top 5, they would be: 1. Incubus 2. Deadmau5 3. Nightwish 4. Within Temptation 5. Madonna (shhh...don't judge!)
Fav Movies:
-Pulp Fiction -Kill Bill 1 & 2 -Wizard of Oz -Now, Voyager -Gilda -Gone with the Wind
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Synthlight writes...
at 4:24:50am on 4/5/13
First person to post on your wall.
