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Posted on: June 27, 2007, at 09:17:59pm

Don't bother to post in here if:

-If you're going to post a chain letter.*
-If you have the grammar of a two-year-old (No shorthands, no 1337, no nothing. This includes periods between sentences as well).
-If you're a MySpace fag. This includes:
a) Adding me to the list when you don't even know me.
b) Posting your MySpace link.
c) Asking me to chat with you (The answer is no and will ALWAYS be no). My account is for music only.
d) "liek do u gotz a pic or sumthin?"
Unless you're one of the select few members that go to my school, think about it: You probably live an entire country (And sometimes an entire continent) away from me. I don't know who you are and probably never will.
-You're just here to say hi and never talk to me again.
-If you're some sad emo kid/emo supporter. Just let it go. Emos suck ass.
-If you're going to spam.
-If you're pissed off about something I said in the forum, you whined like a little bitch, and want to say crap about me on my wall. If you're going to do that, I only leave you these instructions:
a) Log off.
b) Go outside.
c) Maybe play around a little.
d) Sit there for a moment or two, and it'll hit you: IT'S THE INTERNET!
e) Optional: Enjoy this ytmnd.

*Chain letters are particular pains-in-the-asses, and the world would be much better without them. They're pointless, they're obviously bullshit (And even the people that don't believe in them post them. I have yet to know why), and I'm tired of seeing this filth in my comment wall, PM's, and messaging software. Kill the chain messages, alright?

Short version: I can't say this any clearer: NO MORE FUCKING CHAIN LETTERS!

  1. Exactly! I agree! Chain letters are for the short-minded idiots who think that everything they hear is true and fall for those screamer-type videos like ghost car. Myspace also sucks. Even though there are so many crimes from it, people still go on. I think that it should be banned from internet useage. And emos are little faggots.

  2. uh whats 1337? No one ever did tell me.

  3. Everything here is an exact mirror of how I think about these subjects! I was seriously thinking I was the only one who hated myspace.

  4. what is with the emo shit. thats kinda mean you know

  5. I completely agree. Wasting everyone's time is just... a waste of time? Yeah.
    Chain letters have to be the most dimwitted Myspace/Youtube/etc. trend ever.
    Also, Myspace is where the emos hide. It's like... their closet. So please, emos, come out of the closet.
    Good job.