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what i like about guys
Posted on: April 20, 2007, at 05:31:25pm

there are some things i love about guys.
-i love it when they call their parents mommy and Daddy

-I love it when they wear a certain perfume for a certain girl

-I love it when they try to hide it when they like someone but you can still tell

-I love it when they are shopping with their parents and they act like they dont know them

-I love it when they take you out for suprises but you know where they are gonna take you

-I love it when they try to keep a secret from you but they end up telling you anyway

-I love it when they get really excited over something so small

-I love it when they cry

-I love it when they flirt and they are not even trying

-I love it when they will offer to carry their girlfriends bags at the mall

-I love it when they open the car door for the woman they love

-I love it when they play stupid and act like they have no idea what we are talking about

-I love it when they call just to say i love you

-I love it when they try and make dinner but it comes out horrible but you still eat it

-I love it when they hold you in their arms

-I love it when they fall asleep on you.

I just love guys in general