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R.I.P Ryan i miss u
Posted on: November 27, 2009, at 05:04:58pm

  1. Death is something hard to got through, we all will go through it some time or another, but trust me it gets easier. I lost my grandma and still cry when I think about her but it is starting to get easier just find someone you can connect with and it will be ok.

  2. As a member of FFR and a human being in life, i just want to say that as D_ballin said, death is a hard thing to go through. but we adapt and move through it. we adapt through family, by losing someone, you probably became closer to your family. you also find out who is truely there, as a friend. you may not know me too well, but if you ever need to talk. ill be here for you. not as a guy to hit on you, but as someone to listen.
    it will get better... i promise

  3. omg thank u guys so much,its means so much to me that you would spend ur time to help me.Even tho i know hes not really here i know he is in my heart and the messages u guys wrote put me to tears the fact that theres ppl out there that know a simple message can help someone greatly and it did
    thanks so much guys for being there :) love ya

  4. I'm sorry to hear about that. One thing that might help coping with a tragedy like this is to turn to the bible for help. I found a scripture that is very comforting. It is found at Acts chapter 24 verse 15. It says: And I have a hope toward God, which hope these men themselves also entertain, that their will be a resurrection of both the righteous and the unrighteous. I love this scripture. It means that we will be able to see our dead loved ones again. I have a great grandfather that died when I was young. And I know that God promises I will be able to see him again. The same is with you. God promises you will see him again. I hope this comforts you in times of distress.

  5. Evanesence<3

  6. nice song it always makes me think of my alone life ^_^

  7. My name is Ryan but yeah ~ Evanescence is one of my favorite bands of all time. No lie! ^_<