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This is the place i like writin
Posted on: January 9, 2009, at 05:06:14am

i have just realize how hard it is to have both a kitten and puppy in the same household. Their names are Rilo (puppy) and Kiley (kitty). If you understand the significance than you are just about one of the most amazing people in theeeeee whole planet, can't say universe because who knows whats out there. I really just wanted to post this pic I found on postrejectsDOTcom(I don't know how this computer reacts to link stuff) that is a parody of the original postsecrets. If I can't end up putting it up here then i'll just put it in my comments. Look out for an M&M although i must warn people, others seem to find it disturbing, but i find it makes me LOL.( puppy and kitty were chasing each other while i wrote this...geez)
I think i'll just put it in comments...if that works

  1. I have no idea what the significance of a puppy and kitten being together is but i'm just writing CAUSE I GET TO BE THE FIRST TO POST!!!! AHHAHAHAH :D. random i know. bye bye :D