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Arby 'n' the Chief: Episode 7 - "Girls"
Posted on: April 4, 2008, at 03:28:52pm

  1. lol master cheif used Tag lol it doesnt work
    Arby thinks he is so smart lol
    lol its Cortana!!! tht comes at th3 3nd!?=/

  2. yea dont u get it after all what arby tought him it just went all away and then he said nice eyes then he says i mean tits then arby says oh god.

  3. lol i use TAG 2 impress girls but it doesnt work lol

  4. lol some1 did tht 2 me onc3 w3n i use 2 talk lik3 tht
    it was funny mast3r ch3f is all like nice nipples