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FFR Grandtotal:253,900
FFR Games Played:1
Last Activity:01-07-2008
Member for: 16.8 years
Gaming Region:USA - New England
Profile Views: 1,598
Profile Votes:24
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frank_iero's Details
About me:
hi. im frank iero. i used to have the account "frank iero" it woulnt let me on and i kinof forgot the password. so...its me. you can ask even gerard.(my only brother)
music, the guys in the band, you know, stuff like that. but im really tired so ill put more later.
Fav Music:
lots of stuff
Fav Movies:
wow. theres alot. and again, im tired. ill probably put them up later....maybe....
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Random Thoughts
Posted on: October 21, 2007, at 02:27:34pm   [0 comments]
aim or yahoo or msn or a myspace or anything like that. okay, just letting you all know. bye!

Posted on: October 3, 2007, at 10:04:52pm   [1 comment]
as most know, i am never on. and im really sorry about that. so for the short time when i drop by to see how everyone is i try really hard to write back to any comments or messages you sent me so if you see i commented your friend and not you please forgive me, i really am trying to answer everyone but its pretty hard. so if i havent sent anything back and your friend got something it could have been because your comment got erased(not by me. sometimes if there is too many i think it deletes the oldest ones) so that might be why..but im gonna stop typing and try to send stuff to you guys!

hey everyone please read this...
Posted on: September 7, 2007, at 07:01:20pm   [0 comments]
im really really sorry if i don't respond to something you say or ask me but we are all really busy and i don't get on here much. but just know i do read everything you guys send me. so even if i dont reaply(which im sorry about) just know that i read it. and it makes us feel really good when we hear 'you guys saved my life' and stuff like that. so thank you all for your love!!!


hey guys,
Posted on: August 27, 2007, at 03:21:33pm   [0 comments]
really sorry if you tried talking to me on my other account, "frank iero" but it wouldnt let me on so now i have this profile. so if you wanted to talk to me, had any question, stuff like that, you can talk to me here. and if you dont believe its me, ask gerard. his account is "my only brother"

Comment wall
ILoveJMac102 writes...
at 9:40:57pm on 8/14/08
im a vegetarian too!!!
my bf is and yeaa.... lol
love u!!!!
Nightfall-Wish writes...
at 8:57:22pm on 8/6/08
*leaves a random comment for no apparent reason*
~Crazy Vampire~ writes...
at 11:21:55am on 6/1/08
hey are u really a band member of my chemical romance plz tell the truth if u are Can I have all your guyses autograph u are my all time favorite band in the world!!!
ilikunicorns2 writes...
at 7:23:21pm on 5/25/08
hi! i just got kinda bored so i just thought id say hi!.....ya thts bout it....
Nightfall-Wish writes...
at 6:48:22pm on 5/15/08
*screams and runs away*
*comes back with taco*
Oh, aaannnnndddd HI!
*voice in background* no.
pinwheel writes...
at 2:08:34pm on 5/6/08
I'm more into your older stuff like Vampires Will Never Hurt You and Bury Me In Black...Teenagers wasn't that bad though...neither was Welcome To the Black Parade.....
pinwheel writes...
at 2:05:34pm on 5/6/08
duuuuuuuuuuuuudddddde you gotta add me...u rok!!!
GerardWayLoverForever_MCR writes...
at 7:35:45pm on 5/2/08
wuts up brah'?
ooooooo could ju add me if u havent already?
thank u for your patronage
see yahhhhhhhh
xxdeadlysin676xx writes...
at 3:00:41am on 4/28/08
heya frankie ^_^
how are you??
my other account was xxxghostofyouxxx but its being gay and wont let me on, so i made another one. thanks for u telling me what to do when they were calling me a faggot. i appreciate that dearly. and im also glad thaat u and Jamia got married finally.
well, ttyl
Nightfall-Wish writes...
at 4:56:15pm on 4/13/08
What's that sweet smell?
Smells kinda like cookies...
Or them death cookies....
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