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i love you
Posted on: August 8, 2008, at 03:31:50pm

just remembering you
Current mood: accomplished
Category: Blogging

the things i would do for you are endless i would walk to the end of the earth just to hear you speak i would dive into the darkest pit of hell just to be with you. you mean the world to me and more, so much more. the angels above envy our love. they scorn at our happiness and wish us gone. they send false messages of woe and hurt to my mind. but i pay them no attention i only listen to my throbing pulsing heart. the one that beats only for you. a day away from you my love makes my world pale. the color rushes back to me when i see your loving face. oh the colors the purples the magentas the blacks the whites the reds the blues the greens the yellows the oranges the pinks the silvers the colors all the colors! i want to be surrounded by color my love. let my world flutter with the colors in my mind with the hues of love.

i will love you for now and forever i know this now even though i know forever is never. i shall keep you with me in my mind. i shall love your smile, for it brings me great joy. i shall adore the moments you hold me for they take my breath away. dont fret my love your loving kisses bring the air rushing back. i am at peace around you. i love the way you hold me when no one else is around. i love how you act around the ones you love. i wish to see you now my love.

my fantasy consists of you and me as we lie under a tree. the grass grows high and the cardinals sing. the world is gone and all thats left is us. the sea and the mountains bow down to us. they leave their dignity behind and they leave their majesty at the door. the entire world belongs to us. the night is ours as we lie under this tree. we sing into the night as we stay close. the stars begin to fall like a curtain of hope. they each say hello as they begin to fall they are all ours. we may use them for our wishes for our dreams. you may have them my lover for i have no use for them. my dream my wish my fantasy comes true everytime we are together.

i love you