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8th Official FFR Tournament Log
Posted on: January 23, 2013, at 01:17:03am

I guess I'll keep a log of my progress of this, along with a video log of my first playthroughs. I've been trying to get back into playing and I've been feeling pretty good, I'm hoping to make Top 16 (Top 8 would be pretty sweet).

Round 2 Video
First Playthrough

Round 1: Fire (AAA)
This song wasn't so bad, nothing extremely flashy, was able to get the AAA on my second try. First run was 7g, lol... I'm scared of slow jacks and 32nds...

Round 2: Blue Marine (AAA)
Eh, not too fond of 12ths and 24ths in general...first run was 8-0-3-1. My main problem seems to be with the jumpstream at the end, but on my blackflag run I actually got the good from some other part. >_> Might be able to AAA, but I think enough ppl will have enough trouble with this song for me to be safe with a BF.

edit: HOT DAMN managed to AAA. Felt reeeeeeeeeeeaaaal good. Somehow lowering my speedmod a bit helped...I've been using 1.9x with the intention of gradually increasing, but sometimes the arrows are just TOO FAST for me, especially when I have to hit more than one at a time... Anyway, 1.75x + intense concetration + mirror = moving on to Round 3. :)

Round 3: Jazzman (5-1-0-4)
Can't do hands, can't do the ending, can't even get close to this score, I'm done. I'll put up the first playthrough vid eventually.

  1. Nice job on the AAA =D