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Posted on: March 12, 2007, at 05:54:47pm

You know, I should be getting more sims done, but eh.

So far these sims are in production.

Beat of the War: Got Light finished.
Beat of the War 2: Gotta sync it and convert the audio to MP3. It doesn't work right as OGG.
SOUND OF SOS: Graphics done, sync done, song cut.
INJECTION OF LOVE: Graphics done, synced, started Light.
Be Rock U: Rest of Heavy needs to be finished.
The 13th Struggle: Synced, started Light, graphics finished.
Tension Rising: Graphics complete, Light finished, began Heavy.
V (Dorcia): Main beat synced. Need to fix beginning BPM.
Dignity: All steps complete minus Standard. Need to fix Challenge to not be so reliant on 16th notes that don't go to the beat. >_>

There's more, but those are priority... I hope...