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Answerrrrrrrr Meeeeeee
Posted on: March 30, 2008, at 04:25:26pm

kiss me:
Hug me:
Date me:
Love me:
Hate me:
Hold me:
Lie to me:
Hurt me:
Cheat on me:
Dance with me:
Grind with me:
Touch me:
Stare at me:
Cuddle with me:
Make a move on me:
Play with me:
Watch a movie with me:
Get me a B-day gift?:
Be there for me:
Bring me around your friends:
Ask me out:
Like me:
Take advantage of me:
Let me take advantage of u:
Hangout with me:
Take care of me if I wasn't feeling good:
Hold hands with me:
Do something incredibly sweet for me:
Have sex with me:
Tell me you love me:
Let me call you:
What would you do if you woke up next to me:

  1. kiss me:yep
    Hug me:yep
    Date me:yep
    Love me:of course why not lol
    Hate me:noppee
    Hold me:uuhh idk
    Lie to me:noooppppeeee
    Hurt me:noooppeee
    Cheat on me:no
    Dance with me:uuhh sure
    Grind with me:idk wat that means
    Touch me:idk
    Stare at me:probably idk
    Cuddle with me:uuhh sure
    Make a move on me:maybe
    Play with me:yes
    Watch a movie with me:yes
    Get me a B-day gift?:yes
    Be there for me:yes
    Bring me around your friends:yes
    Ask me out:isn't that wat the dudes do??
    Like me:yes
    Take advantage of me:no probably not
    Let me take advantage of u:yes
    Hangout with me:totally
    Take care of me if I wasn't feeling good:totally
    Hold hands with me:sure
    Do something incredibly sweet for me:sure
    Have sex with me:uuhh idk i guess idk
    Tell me you love me:sure
    Let me call you:sure
    What would you do if you woke up next to me:hug u and stay like that until i would have to go :)

  2. kiss me:yess
    Hug me:yess
    Date me:yess
    Love me:yeaa
    Hate me:nooo
    Hold me:yea :]
    Lie to me:nahh
    Hurt me:no way :]
    Cheat on me:why would i?
    Dance with me:yeaa
    Grind with me:hell yess haha
    Touch me::]
    Stare at me: yes
    Cuddle with me: suure
    Make a move on me:possiblyy
    Play with me:yeaa
    Watch a movie with me:duh
    Get me a B-day gift?:always
    Be there for me:o matter what
    Bring me around your friends:yes
    Ask me out:haha you can do that
    Like me: yeaa
    Take advantage of me: noo wayy jose
    Let me take advantage of u:yea prolly
    Hangout with me:constantly
    Take care of me if I wasn't feeling good:yeaa
    Hold hands with me:yupp
    Do something incredibly sweet for me:yeaa<3
    Have sex with me: haha um
    Tell me you love me: yes
    Let me call you:all the time
    What would you do if you woke up next to me:stay with you until i have to leave

  3. kiss me: yeaupp..:]
    Hug me: suree y not
    Date me: mhm
    Love me: suree
    Hate me:Nooo
    Hold me: yeaup
    Lie to me:Nopee
    Hurt me: stupid question..nop
    Cheat on me:nopee
    Dance with me: yeaa 1 of my especialty..XD
    Grind with me:
    Touch me: depends
    Stare at me: yeaaa
    Cuddle with me: yeaaa...warmness..haha..XD
    Make a move on me: idkk
    Play with me: ahaa
    Watch a movie with me: yeaaa..luv scary movies
    Get me a B-day gift?:yeaaaa!
    Be there for me: always
    Bring me around your friends: yeaup crazy friends like me :]
    Ask me out: idkk maybb ..=D
    Like me:yea
    Take advantage of me:nooo
    Let me take advantage of u: noo
    Hangout with me:yeaa duhh
    Take care of me if I wasn't feeling good: yeaupp
    Hold hands with me: XD..ahaaa
    Do something incredibly sweet for me:yeaaa of course
    Have sex with me:idk about
    Tell me you love me: sure
    Let me call you: yeaup
    What would you do if you woke up next to me: idkk.. throw u jk..look at u?.lol<---lame but w/e

  4. kiss me: yepp
    Hug me: yepp
    Date me: maybe ? idk
    Love me: idk...?
    Hate me:no
    Hold me: sure
    Lie to me:never
    Hurt me:never
    Cheat on me: omg no
    Dance with me: yeah
    Grind with me:chyeahhhh ;)
    Touch me: mhmm
    Stare at me: ya
    Cuddle with me: of course
    Make a move on me:maybe
    Play with me:in what
    Watch a movie with me:sure
    Get me a B-day gift?:what do u want?
    Be there for me:no matter what
    Bring me around your friends:sure, if u want?
    Ask me out: dont know u well enuff
    Like me: maybe...
    Take advantage of me:no
    Let me take advantage of u:yeah
    Hangout with me:duhh
    Take care of me if I wasn't feeling good:yes
    Hold hands with me:yeah =]
    Do something incredibly sweet for me:yes
    Have sex with me:idk
    Tell me you love me:idk
    Let me call you:sure
    What would you do if you woke up next to me:
    uhm...push you off the bed. lmao jk :)

  5. kiss me:i have a bf
    Hug me:
    Date me:
    Love me:
    Hate me:
    Hold me:
    Lie to me:
    Hurt me:
    Cheat on me:
    Dance with me:
    Grind with me:
    Touch me:
    Stare at me:
    Cuddle with me:
    Make a move on me:
    Play with me:
    Watch a movie with me:
    Get me a B-day gift?:
    Be there for me:
    Bring me around your friends:
    Ask me out:
    Like me:
    Take advantage of me:
    Let me take advantage of u:
    Hangout with me:
    Take care of me if I wasn't feeling good:
    Hold hands with me:
    Do something incredibly sweet for me:
    so idk to everything and no to the negative ones

  6. kiss me: mhm.
    Hug me: sure.
    Date me: why not ?
    Love me: maybe
    Hate me: never
    Hold me: yea
    Lie to me: nooo
    Hurt me: never
    Cheat on me: no
    Dance with me: sure
    Grind with me: if you wanted to
    Touch me: yea
    Stare at me: probably
    Cuddle with me: yuupp
    Make a move on me: maybe
    Play with me:yes
    Watch a movie with me: mhm
    Get me a B-day gift?: yeaa
    Be there for me: always.
    Bring me around your friends: yes
    Ask me out: you can do that.
    Like me: yea
    Take advantage of me: noo
    Let me take advantage of u:if you wanted to
    Hangout with me: suree
    Take care of me if I wasn't feeling good: mhm.
    Hold hands with me: yes
    Do something incredibly sweet for me: yess
    Have sex with me:aha. no comment.
    Tell me you love me: yuup
    Let me call you: suree
    What would you do if you woke up next to me:i would never leave. i would stay with you forever.[:

  7. kiss me:hell yeah ;]
    Hug me: i love hugs
    Date me:why not??
    Love me:yup yupp
    Hate me:noooo
    Hold me: yup
    Lie to me:
    Hurt me:not possible
    Cheat on me: once again not possible ;]
    Dance with me: yupyup
    Grind with me:hell to the yeah!! i love grinding
    Touch me: suhhhe
    Stare at me: your gorgeous, why wouldn i?
    Cuddle with me: yup
    Make a move on me:yup
    Play with me:yup
    Watch a movie with me:yup
    Get me a B-day gift?:yup
    Be there for me: always and forever
    Bring me around your friends: yup yup
    Ask me out: sure
    Like me: duhh
    Take advantage of me: no, i think thats wrong
    Let me take advantage of u: matters
    Hangout with me: yup
    Take care of me if I wasn't feeling good: duhh.
    Hold hands with me: i love holding hands!
    Do something incredibly sweet for me: aalways
    Have sex with me: whoaaaa there. loll. if we dated a long time.. yes
    Tell me you love me: always
    Let me call you: sure why not?
    What would you do if you woke up next to me: kiss you :]