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The Quest for vROFL
Posted on: November 4, 2011, at 04:59:07pm

Well since the 6th official is coming up, im gonna be recording each song in a Little mini video series called the Quest for vROFL

I will play both the D5 and D6 songs.
Round 1:
D5-Ambient Angels:AAA VIDEO:

Round 2:
D5-Romance in the club:2-0-0-0 VIDEO:

Round 3:
D5- 0 (Piano Version): AAA VIDEO: soon

Round 4:
D5- Halcyon - 17-1-0-9

  1. you might want to wait until 12 server time (3 hours, 20 minutes). daily stats resets by then resulting in any time before worthless. unless you're talking about 50 billion gt.

  2. I'm dumb. did not read this date at all. herpaderp.

  3. derp