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The poem of eternal friendship....
Posted on: March 13, 2008, at 09:17:25pm

Friends that meet my eye.
If you are my friend,then you would understand.
I can't show my true feelings like a puppy put to sleep. It can be quite sad,but you will have to understand.
I believe in all my friends,but can I still have hope for them?
I bid you adue in my own little world I call home with my feelings of eternal friends. So as I end this hurtful good-bye I hope you understand to stay with me till I die....

  1. yup its true get with the program that everyone has their difficulties some point in life...

  2. it good but not as deep as i think u can go even in my poem i wrote on there i CAN STILL go deeper

  3. well i can go deeper im just not hurt that bad...>=P

  4. well i can go deeper im just not hurt that bad...>=P

  5. wow that is deep and a good poem nice job!!

  6. THX!!!=]