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Posted on: March 15, 2008, at 05:28:02pm

gamertag = lalalame. :D

  1. Zomg, im gonna add you when I get on =D
    My thing is PerfectDelusion. I suck at making

  2. hey add me I'm rabidfleas
    like the fleas but they're rabid! :D

  3. lalalayou
    I wish I had an boxX so I can make that gamertag so we can be twins. D:

  4. I'd add you, but truly i have no clue who you are

  5. rabidfleas

  6. sorry again that my brother deleted you...
    but I only play Call of Duty 4 on it and I doubt you have that so it's not a real shame... I guess lol :P well
    I am gonna play right now! :P

  7. sorry again that my brother deleted you...
    but I only play Call of Duty 4 on it and I doubt you have that so it's not a real shame... I guess lol :P well
    I am gonna play right now! :P

  8. woah, u play xbox live?? holy crap, i gotta add ya!

  9. hei i'll add you~
    it's my brothers account but yeah:

  10. yo, my brother went to university and I have my own xbox live now, add me but I might not be on because I've lost my xbox and I don't know when my mom will give it back.
    and it's BANG You Lose.

  11. :O I don't know you but, rofl, I'm adding you to mine. Which is xX100percentXx :D

  12. Adding tonight: its PhobiiA