Good Profile! UnCool! 
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FFR Average Rank:59,475
FFR Grandtotal Rank:879,543
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FFR Games Played:20
Location:Gresham, Oregon, USA
Last Activity:09-30-2011
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Gaming Region:USA - Pacific Northwest
Profile Views: 1,231
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About me:
|GodBlessedTheBrokenRoad♥| I have been to 2 different high schools since my freshman year, and graduated from a third. I hate what the world has become. When you first meet me, I can come across as distant, but once you get to know me, you'll see more than just a pretty face.
Music, Friends, Games.
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Rock, Country, R&B, Pretty much everything
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Comedy, horror,
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Sh0cK_wAvE writes...
at 1:52:22am on 9/30/11
Not too much lol, you? It looks like you had some hateful friends back in 2009 lol
socx writes...
at 8:53:25pm on 9/29/11
ha you give me a thumbs down then request me.
deadfray writes...
at 1:53:32pm on 12/2/09
ii GuRu writes...
at 7:02:17pm on 3/12/09
hey whats up!
paoladee writes...
at 9:51:35pm on 2/10/09
nigga i can stand up for myself just cause i have actual people that i can count on and that i can call friends don't mean you gotta hate...its cause they are people who care for me..i don't even have to fucking ask them to stick up for me they do it on they're own...stupid whore...oh and by the way friends aren't back ups...and just like my friend my dear your lucky this shit is over the internet cause your ass could have gotten slashed by now so fuckin watch yourself...bitch.... like my bud ronni said you'll fucking regret it...dumb whore...oh by the way your not worth a penny so don't try sellin your self unless its a bum but you might have to pay him to get laid....nigga fuck off your nasty as fuck...period!
ronnimonsta writes...
at 9:04:23am on 2/9/09
gah you're so fucking stupid. for one get your shit straight. i spoke MY mind you fucking hobag. oh and as for "sticking up for your own fight", go tell kdennehy to suck it easy.
mfdat phantom writes...
at 11:03:18am on 2/8/09
aloooooooo! thanks for the request :]
kdennehy writes...
at 10:36:29am on 2/8/09
shut up ronnimonsta you only saying that about her , your only saying that because your jealous since your ugly. look at your pic lol it looks like a pic taken at halloween lol
ronnimonsta writes...
at 11:20:17am on 2/2/09
calling my friend a bitch? how old are you? like 15? and you're showing your nasty ass tits to guys in their 30's who play ffr. not to mention it's fucking disgusting, you took a picture of you taking shit? wtf? so why don't you shut the fuck up you trick. you're lucky this is over the internet, otherwise i would've rocked your jaw already. you NASTY FUCKING SKEEZ! I DARE YOU TO REPLY, you'll regret it. real talk.
paoladee writes...
at 1:13:19pm on 1/30/09
jealousy! ha jealous of what nigga! theres nothing to hate on but gross ass whores like your gross ass you loose bitch! put some clothes on maybe then guys will like you for more than just your bod.....i mean its not that good looking anyway....your totally not the fuckable type unless you had a bag over your head and bigger and better looking tits...oh and im guessing your not smart either....seeing as pictures like that go out to the whole world, ANYONE and EVERYONE can see what a slut you are....dumb bitch
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