Good Profile! UnCool! 
FFR Player
FFR Rank:40,849
FFR Average Rank:11,126
FFR Grandtotal Rank:31,819
FFR Grandtotal:316,543,420
FFR Games Played:1,178
Location:Virginia, USA
Last Activity:10-08-2012
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Member for: 16.99 years
Gaming Region:USA - New England
Profile Views: 4,872
Profile Votes:62
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alovepwnsface's Gameplay Stats Today
2 / 3345
32 / 3345
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alovepwnsface's Details
About me:
Im in ur profilez, laughin @ yo face. I'm better than you, the end. :] Go buy stuff from me - - My name is Arielle, or A-Love, but most of you probably know me as Jesus. I am 20 years old. Now gtfo.
Pwning n00bz at life. Fashion design, grammar, GOOD music, art, tattoos & piercings (I now have ten piercings & four tattoos), make-up & hair, brutal honesty, my kitties<3, my friends, hot boys, Betsey Johnson, rainbows, laughing at stupid kids on this site, arguing with the stupid kids on this site, & NOT you. :)
Fav Music:
What is better than you listen to, duh. Obviously bands that you've never heard of if you're listening to gayass shit like Panic! At the Disco, Aiden, MCR, & all that kinda trash. And other bands that you think make you a PUNK RAWKER m/ with all your Hot Topic clothes.
Fav Movies:
Stuff. Mostly gore. And Johnny Depp. But not together. I also love Natalie Portman & Christina Ricci.
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alovepwnsface's Friends (View All) (11 Total)

Random Thoughts
Posted on: October 1, 2009, at 04:57:17pm   [0 comments]
I looked at my random thoughts and my last one said how I haven't been on in forever and it was in October of LAST YEAR. How ironic. I am coming on here and haven't been on in forever and it's October of exactly a year later. How weird. I randomly thought something reminded me of FFR so it made me want to play it, but the site keeps saying Page Cannot be Displayed and it's really annoying me. I haven't even gotten to playing the game yet, geez. My pictures really need updated cause I have short hair now, but I'm lazy so I won't, hah. If you want to see what I looked like, add me on MySpace at or Facebook (cause I rarely get on MySpace cause Facebook > MySpace) at w00t. Thanks d00ds.

Posted on: October 15, 2008, at 10:55:48pm   [0 comments]
I haven't been on here in quite a while. I can't even remember when I was on here last. I have started doing online college courses online now, so that is mostly the reason now why I'm not coming anymore. But that's only the reason now, because this is only the second week. I haven't been here for a long time. I guess I just have been doing other stuff, & not really even thinking about here, or wanting to come here I guess. I checked all my stuff tonight & I was like uhhh... what do I want to do? NOBODY is online. Like I'm talking to Hot Guy, but he replies like every other eighty hours, seriously. So yeah. It's a good time to play this then I guess, since nobody is here to talk to. That stupid thirteen year old fat kid I argued with last time I was on here, or whenever, left me a comment on my other blog (you should feel special, I'm actually pointing you out now :o ) & I was going to reply, but I was like nah. His arguements were so lame. So I just didn't reply. Plus his reply was like over a month ago anyways. I just found it funny cause we had argued in like May, & he had come back to my profile now again in August haha. Geez.

Anyways! Time to play some songs. Check out my new pictures. Some are semi-new & the newest ones are with my new haircut. :D


Posted on: June 2, 2008, at 10:19:40pm   [4 comments]
Have I gotten three AAA's but it has not shown up in my bar?!? Uhh HELLO. I didn't do that for nothing! It kinda pisses me off a little. I mean, my life isn't ending or I'm going to go slice my wrists like the pre-pubescent kids on the majority of this site, but it is just annoying that I would spend time doing it, & then it doesn't even show up on my profile. I mean, I even have a Skill Token proving I did an AAA. Asshole.

Aww I feel so special. :)
Posted on: May 15, 2008, at 02:02:08pm   [12 comments]
All these little lame kids on here bitch & moan at me cause I speak the truth about stupid things they say & then they have to do all this retarded stuff trying to come back at me. It's so cute how much they try to hurt me, but then they fail. It's kinda funny, but more sad. Like resorting to lame comebacks, but it never works because it's never anything worthwhile or even a good laugh. Come on now. Wait a few more years for some experience, kids. And today I even got my own "Random Thought" made about me! :o I feel so special. :) You all must love me so much. <3 I'm sorry but if you teenies are going to put gayass shit on your profiles, then I'm going to comment on it. I just can't always help myself. I am just a brutally honest person. It's just who I am. So either deal with it or...get lost. :)

It's really not that hard. I'm not trying to be a bitch. But I do like arguing. It's quite fun. Especially because I'm so much better at it than everyone else hahaha. Oh man. Good times, good times. So all you little teenies out there should just stop trying so hard to argue back with me when I leave you a comment about how lame/dumb/stupid you/your music/your whatever is on your profile. Unless you want to, which I'm totally cool with, cause like I said, arguing is fun. :) Just don't think you're going to win though, cause I'm the best. I have friends that can vouche for that. :)

Peace. <3

Woo new profile !
Posted on: May 15, 2008, at 01:21:23pm   [4 comments]
Yeah I changed it. :) It's all pretty & pink & girly. Haha yay ! I like it. If you don't, you can suck a dick. :)

Comment my pictures. Thanks.

Peace. <3

Comment wall
Roy565 writes...
at 4:26:11am on 10/16/08
*Is it
Roy565 writes...
at 4:25:39am on 10/16/08
Is is okay if I add your AIM as well? I'm kind of losing people to talk to... Sorry. :S
NFD writes...
at 1:05:23am on 10/16/08
Yeah, my ex girlfriend and I have shirts that we made in colour that say
"Corn chips are no place for a mighty warrior"
"Corn is no place for a mighty warrior"
DORIShinigami writes...
at 12:37:28am on 10/16/08
yeah ill add you mine is sinsoftheforgotn
DORIShinigami writes...
at 12:17:07am on 10/16/08
yeah mee to hey do you have aim ffr is bordem relief sometimes lol
Roy565 writes...
at 11:19:10pm on 10/15/08
You're amazingly pretty. Wanna be friends?
Sadly, I'm not kidding. :(
hollowfire36 writes...
at 11:02:41pm on 10/15/08
Ur profile details under ur pictures
DORIShinigami writes...
at 11:02:36pm on 10/15/08
hey thx for accepting howare you
hollowfire36 writes...
at 10:58:21pm on 10/15/08
NFD writes...
at 10:51:52pm on 10/15/08
Your Dag Yo Random Thought only made me laugh because of the TGS-ness. :D
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