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Late Nights Segment - 1 ''A red night''
Posted on: June 21, 2012, at 11:23:32pm

I going to start to make segments, these segments will contain a music I am listening or listen in the nights... normally, and mostly, I use to listen to Jazz, Techno, Electronic and instrumental.

Jazz: mostly when I am a little into '''thinker'' mood... when I feel that hole inside me of darkness and that wants... and cries to be to filled up... that hole inside my heart... then I listen to Jazz.

Techno: when I feel very good things had happened on the day and I feel very filled up, I listen to Techno

Electronic: same thing as Techno

Instrumental: honestly... don't know... I just.. apparently listen to it, and my mood changes a little, maybe I would say its neutral.

So, tonight in this segment... lets hear to some Jazz

I want to add, that I LOVE this class of music, its relaxing and gives to us a good time to rest our heads and let our imagination flow... and on hours were I feel hollow... why not?

This its a Jazz Remix from the theme of Remilia Scarlet, enjoy.

  1. I don't listen to that much jazz but I like this

  2. peeerfect

  3. Nooo it's purrrrfect n///n

  4. LOL but thats very used... me trying to do a more.. ""feline'' talk XD

  5. Dern it

  6. i still think purrrrrrfect is more appropriate

  7. You're perfect my man