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... I broke my ankle
Posted on: May 24, 2012, at 08:23:04am

... I broke my damn ankle while I was playing Badminton ( MY FAV SPORT ) aaandI jump to try to hit the bird and I land with my ankle ) which hurts VERY ALIKE to a hammer hiting your ankle very hard ) sooo I am now on a chair with my leg up and my little paw discovered T.T I hate my family looking at my paw... T.T this its hell...

  1. o.o

  2. zauriel are you ok? how long will it tkae to heal! how bad is it! when did this happen! aaaggghh there are so many questions about this i can barely remember them all

  3. Hang in there z's, it'll take some time to heal properly but when it's healed completely, you'll be good as new <3 Goodluck!*hugs*

  4. nyaaaa XD it will take me 3 weeks

  5. 3 WHATS! is evillllllllll

  6. meowww like my fall? XP

  7. How should I know?

  8. nyaaaaaa T.T because it hurts? soo its evil?

  9. No injuries are evil. They are a sign that the devil is trying to kill us allll.

  10. XD LOL

  11. yup i is random n.n

  12. Randomness solves all problems! Also explosives do too lol. But they don't always work out and you could end up blowing yourself up too. So nuclear bombs are off the list.

  13. True :] i agree 100%

  14. buuuut if you make it a TIMED nuclear bomb and go far enough away from the blast radius you be fine and we destroy the enemies of the world. er husky, what exactly is the blast radius of a nuclear bomb?

  15. How the heck should i know -_- 5000 faps perhaps? :p . . . Sorry, not much help there

  16. It's easy. Use it yerself and it'll work. Er don't try it unless you have an urge to die or somethin.

  17. Faps? Wtf are those?

  18. nothing ^ ^ don't worry about it, something that little one's like you shouldn't know yet xD

  19. I'm not a little one (walks away) grrr stop picking on me. I don't like it ):

  20. I'm playing dude :)

  21. prove it

  22. Prove it how?

  23. Any way possible!

  24. You always make me smile :) i dunno why, but you do

  25. Awwww *hugs* thanks

  26. :)

  27. Y'see? I ain't so bad after all.

  28. Agree ^ ^

  29. Mhm

  30. Subspace is a void-like place with almost no way in or out. It's my domain. What I say goes in subspace.

  31. Sounds interesting :3

  32. Heh come (opens a portal) to subspace.

  33. It's like going to Disneyland xD but more evil

  34. Haha maybe so but on second thought. (closes te portal) I have a little........thing I want to do with (pokes your stomach) this.

  35. o.o say what!? O.o

  36. You know what I mean n.n

  37. 0///0 i might

  38. Let's just say this is revenge for all the rotten things you said to me.

  39. You pm'd me something about being fat ~..~

  40. That's what's gonna happen to ya

  41. ~..~

  42. Come on. Trustme

  43. Fine >.>

  44. Oh husky. Your cute when you act that way n.n

  45. Meh heh heh :3
    thanks , so are you buddy

  46. (blushes)

  47. n,n

  48. Come here husky n.n (hugs)

  49. :O we must not go any further, im sorry :/ *hugs back and walks away*

  50. Nah it's ok. (flies away) I'm goin back to subspace.

  51. Okay :s

  52. On second thought (flies beside you) where you goin. I want to go with you n.n!

  53. Uhh. . . ~..~ not sure where to go from here, but ok =]

  54. Awww come now husky. You won't mind having me around, would you?

  55. Meh >.> well actually, i don't mind =] you can go where you want to go, i wouldn't be able to stop you even if i tried :p

  56. Well right now (flies really close to you) I only want to be with you n.n

  57. aww :3 well, where should we go then?

  58. Wherever you want n.n

  59. I hope Zauriel isn't getting annoyed of us posting a lot on his random thoughts/photos

  60. same

  61. same

  62. Should we stop?

  63. Nah let's go a bit more.

  64. :)

  65. Now what to do (licks)

  66. Play video games!? ^-^

  67. Good idea. Best my high score of 1000000 points n.n

  68. That's a score of a nerd ~..~ soo... meh >.>

  69. Hey be nice >.<

  70. :p okay v.v

  71. Grrr (growls)

  72. *Growls with you*grrrr! Oops o.o that might of been my stomach this time n,n

  73. Haha n.n maybe it was

  74. :p

  75. lol x ! (! = infinite)

  76. Ok see yaa! :D sucker! *Runs away as quickly as the speed of light*

  77. you creep *runs after you at the same speed* get back here i'm not finsihed with you!

  78. Oooh crap! O.O *keeps running* what's his deal :O! (Oh no, he's catching up to me)if you don't back off, im afraid im gonna have to fight you

  79. *says nothing and keeps chasing you*

  80. *my body is black as night and my eyes are white, demon wings, vampire fangs, super long razor-sharp claws and blood all over my body* you defy the cylons. I must destroy thee for yer crimes!

  81. *Gulp* (i might actually be able to kill this weakling they call a Cylon, heh, or not -_-) *shivers and pee's my pants* not hold on just a minute, you wouldn't harm one of your friends now would you? O.O

  82. (I can read your thoughts, a cylon will never back down and can never be defeated, making it one of the ultimate opponents to all) grraaaawwwrrrr *lunges at you, threatening to bite you* I must capture this being for team zephyr!

  83. I am no ordinary cylon. I am a cylon LEADER: a cylon who is 100 times more powerful then a normal cylon. You stand no chance in defeating me. The cylons have joined with team zephyr to rule the world. (zauriels not doin that for a while but I still remain with him and all that) team zephyr and the cylons will RULE THE WORLD AAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA (laughs demonically)

  84. Meh >.> you can't catch me ~.~ sucks for you

  85. Maybe so but have you met my little entourage? (10000000 cylons surround you)

  86. -_- hmph...(im in a real pickle)

  87. Come on! I'm a freaking cylon LEADER! Think you can win now? Oh leader means I control the entire cylon race!

  88. Meh...i could care less about all that --_--

  89. Don't worry (holds a claw to your neck) I'll make yer death as painless as possible.

  90. Don't worry (holds a claw to your neck) I'll make yer death as painless as possible. Unless there's a good reason why i cannot kill you

  91. Sowwy I repeated the same thing twice

  92. How about this, i dare you to kill!

  93. Oh no thanks (let's you go) I prefer not to get blood all over the......oh fuck it (slashes at you with my claws, chopping your head off) there happy?

  94. . . . . . no response

  95. ... (puts your head back on)

  96. Yay ^ ^

  97. (gives you the puppy dog eyes) that was so bad for me to do. please forgive me.

  98. Oh course i forgive you *hugs* your my friend after all =] i like all my friends

  99. *hugs back and whimpers softly* i'm such a bad person T.T

  100. Please don't say that :/ i like the way you are :D your funny, cool, cute, and most importantly, Evil >=3

  101. awwww thanks *licks*

  102. n///n

  103. *hugs*

  104. *hugs back*

  105. o.o (licks)

  106. :] *fart*

  107. o.o (runs away)

  108. :/

  109. I'm right here husky n.n (hugs)

  110. *Tickles you*n,n

  111. (laughs and tries to block you) ahahahahaha husky what are you hahahahaha doing hahahahaha!

  112. This is my way of playing :3

  113. Hahahahahaha stooohahahahahahphahahahaihahacan'thahahatakehahahaithahahahahahaha!

  114. Okay ill stop now v.v *stops*im sorry >.>

  115. (is gasping for air)

  116. *Hugs* c: soo very sorry

  117. (licks) I'm fine n.n but I will not forget this. And I want to get revenge

  118. But on second thought. (licks) I don't think I'm being nice enough for you (runs away), I'm just a monster T.T

  119. The more you run, the more you upset me :/ i keep telling you that you're not a monster :s your my friend

  120. I upset YOU? If you did like me as a friend you wouldn't treat me like shit! I suggest you treat me better, you meanie *stops running and cries a little*

  121. Oh boy --_-- *sigh* i don't have patience right now, please just be happy for once >=3 *hugs* im sorry ok

  122. (disappears then appears behind you and pins you on the ground) lol I tricked youuuu n.n

  123. Guuh >=/

  124. What is yer problem, hmm?

  125. now i know how you feel -_-

  126. Sowwy.

  127. It's ok :)

  128. (hugs you while crying softly) your not mad at me?

  129. Nope :] i'm actually happy ^ ^

  130. o.o happy? Why? I was mean to you.

  131. You need not worry yourself good sir ^.^

  132. Want to spar again?

  133. Sure :3 *brings out my sword of light*

  134. i assure you *brings out a black twin-bladeed sword* you won't win

  135. Duh...that's why it's called sparring not an actual match -_-

  136. grrrr you little- *slashes at you quite quickly*

  137. *Deflects your blade with my own and grabs a hold of your throat with my right arm* soo, what do you think of me now? I've improved haven't i. . .

  138. Maybe but not enough.......because it ain't me (the me you have by the throat vanishes and the real me strikes you from behind) that was just a warm-up last time. But I'm through playing games. So I think we should get a little more......serious.

  139. *Gasps for air nervously with deep heavy breathing*woh... that was fast o.o *bleeds a little from where you've striked me* (guess he really is serious this time, but so am i) *quickly dashes towards your body* Here, we, go! -Flash Drive Kick!- *aims for your chest*

  140. Have it your way. *diamond shield* (an impenetrable barrier surrounds me so you end up taking the damage instead of me)

  141. Heh. . .*with a feint smile, i vanish while placing a bomb tag on your shield* -Destructive Blast!- *a few seconds of dramatic explosions* How'd ya like that!? :D Your shield is no more!

  142. Heh but what you don't realize is on of my abilities is still active. This ability makes my power increase as the battle goes on. Now for my fav move *chaos blast* (hurls a HUGE beam of dark energy towards you)

  143. -Heavenly Barrier Of The Shining Sun!!!- *was able to gaurd your attack*

  144. .... (Disappears)

  145. Huh? o.o did i do something wrong?

  146. (re-appears behind you and strikes you with a black aura)

  147. Damn it! *Cough's out blood dramaticly while falling to the ground* i was a bit...careless *shuts my eyes and losses contiousness*

  148. (stares at you for a few seconds then faints......a double knockout)

  149. *Wakes up after a few hours* uhh, w..what happened? Am i dead? *Looks down and see's him on the ground next to me* o.o oh, guess not, wonder why he's here as well? Was it a double K.O? Nah, couldn't have been that, he's much too powerful to lose at the hands of a pathetic creature like myself. Hope he's ok :/ *pokes you*

  150. *fires a chaos sphere at you by accident then gets up) god almighty. That....was..... AWESOME! (looks at you) oh you still look a little beat-up. Come (changes to a salamence, grabs you then flies off somewhere) I'm takin ya back with me.

  151. Alright :)

  152. Oh might wanna stop breathing for a sec (dives into the ocean with you)

  153. o.o *holds my breath*

  154. (you see a huge mansion at the ocean floor) that's it, husky. My home

  155. Woahh! It's beautiful. . .hey wait a minute, i thought you lived in subspace?

  156. This is where I go when I'm not running team crypt (my own Pokemon team) and I can tell ya like it. Well before we go in you must swear that you'll NEVER tell anyone 'bout my mansion!

  157. Not even Zauriel? :/

  158. Well zauriel is an exception. But enough 'bout that. Let's try (changes to a vaporeon girl and starts kissing you) making out underwater.

  159. I'm only in subspace when team crypt needs to be runnin. Here i just take it easy, pick up some girls n guys, and oh you know how it is.

  160. Heh :3 i know what you mean

  161. Oh do you? Well lets not just stay out here. Get inside before ya freeze.

  162. o.o! Good point n,n

  163. (drags you inside) oh your all wet o.o lemme help with that (changes to a flareon girl and hugs you, trying to dry you off)

  164. ^///^ ah, thanks

  165. ( a low growl makes me let you go) sowwy that was my stomach. I'm starving. You?

  166. (runs off)

  167. ;.; c..come back. . . (where on earth did he ran off too?)

  168. in here husky. (you look and you see me all fat) man i think i over did it when i went for the cake. i can barely get up or move for that matter

  169. You remind me of a Snorlax xD

  170. (whimper softly) awww now i look even less cute then before

  171. this is ridiculous. i'm a freaking flareon, not a snorlax! (cries) awww now i don't look cute, i look stupid 'cause now i'm freaking fat T.T

  172. A cute type of fat :3

  173. Even if I'm fat......I'm still cute? (stops crying)

  174. Of course you are ^ ^ *hugs* Snorlax is one cute balloon of fatness n,n

  175. But.....i'm a flareon.

  176. I'm not cute anymorrrreeeee (cries again)

  177. Oh brother. . . >.>
    C'mon buddy, put yourself together for once, if you are serious about your weight, why not chow down less on your meals

  178. Sowwy I just don't think I'm cute when far u.u

  179. I mean fat

  180. Then you know what to do v.v

  181. (uses my powers to lose most of my fat) woot I can actually move again. (hugs you but accidentally burns you)

  182. o-o ouch. . .

  183. Sorry sorry o.o I'm a flareon, husky. I tend to do that. Please forgive me (hugs and gives you the look you'd give when you beg. This time I don't burn you)

  184. It's alright ^ ^ it's not your fault :s

  185. (licks your face) still cute?

  186. Oh and by the way. When we sparred a while ago? You were defeated by my shadow rush attack. Shadow attacks, as most say (and are right), are super effective against any element.

  187. I see. . . (I need to get stronger -_-)

  188. (hugs and whines) please don't hate me for always beating you o.o

  189. (wait a minute, wasn't he also collapsed on the ground?) :s's alright, no need to apologize, i just need to accept the fact that you are stronger :3

  190. Heh you just need better attacks.

  191. True v.v

  192. see, ever since a few days ago, team crypt *my Pokemon team that actually protects the light users*......was shut down. I ran team crypt for more protection for the other light users. But most of them thought I was running team crypt to enslave them. So they shut us down and without believing my true story about team crypt, they told me if I tried to bring back team crypt......they'd be forced to kill me.

  193. So that's my story.

  194. Aww :/ so your good after all :]

  195. So I brought it back, then team zephyr attacked. We fought them off, crypt vs zephyr, with team crypt emerging victorious. So you see, I never destroyed any light users because the one who did? That......was not me. It was my dark side......dark tabitha. For years team crypt has pursued her but never caught her. Will you help me end this?

  196. On second thought. Don't bother. We have unfinished business.

  197. Your probably right, this might be something only you can do :] Best of luck to you
    PS:If you need back up, you know where to find me

  198. No I tried once. And I nearly for killed. If you face's like throwing your life away.....or is it. My eyes go red and my body black) the 2 of us are both the same being! Maybe I did do those things maybe I didn't. You can never tell with me. Soon team chaos will be destroyed! And I will take it over! And there's nothing they can do to stop me! Crypt vs Chaos! I'm immune to most attacks that's why it takes forever to destroy me! We never attacked te light organization! It was team chaos damn it! This may sound crazy but when te crypt was losing to team chaos......a light user came and destroyed them with me. (turns my back to you and looks up) maybe I was wrong about them.
    P.S: I swear to it. If you can't win alone. You can still fight with teams geo, phantom, zephyr and crypt.

  199. That's amazing! Woah...a light user, hmm...(must've been my father)Maybe it's best that we fight together :]

  200. Now that's where things get puzzling. I never saw his face. Your father was one of the greatest light users I ever knew. He did not think of me as evil he thought of me as a friend you see. Once when team chaos attacked he nearly got killed by an attack from them but I took the damage for him. So there you have it. Team geo is a team of light users from the last war. You got me? Darkness and light have fought side by side for centuries.

  201. But the idea chaos is team geo turned evil. Ever since the last war with team chaos ended your father disappeared. Yer father was also once part of team crypt. He ran the team before me. But now since I run team crypt now I haven't seen him at all. So this'll have to take his place. But before you can do that you must go through a little test. (disappears into team crypt HQ which is behind you) you must get to me in the bosses room without getting spotted by the crypt grunts and admins, k? I'll be waiting. If your spotted they will throw you out of the base.

  202. Gotcha, ill do my best

  203. (20 min later you hear several crypt grunts approaching with an admin with 'em)
    Crypt admin cayne: ok we have word that a light user is going to infiltrate this base. Make sure he doesn't make it to our boss!
    (The crypt grunts leave)
    Ok there are 5 admins: tsu, Ty, cayne, archer and mons. You must dusguise yourself as a grunt. Be careful. It's hard to fool Ty and cayne.

  204. Ok you have to start going through the base. Begin (uer father took the same test)

  205. Alright, i'm wearing my Grunt disguise x3 thanks a lot for your help (uhh? Where was i suppose to go again? Damn it...)

  206. You see another admin coming towards you
    Ty: hey what're you doing wandering around! You need to report to the boss! (hands you a map) this is a map of the HQ. now go!
    (ok you eluded ty and cayne, but there's still tsu, archer and mons in the base)

  207. Husky, archer mons and tsu are tough to elude

  208. This is hard work T_T (damn those grunts)

  209. Yet doin ok......ah shit
    Tsu: wha the! Why aren't you reporting to the boss! Wait a don't look like the other grunts.
    (shit your covers blown, RUN LIKE HELL HUSKY! TO THE BOSSES ROOM! Yer almost there)

  210. Husky! Tsu has recognized you! Run!

  211. Oh, right! o.o *Begins running like Hell!!!* almost..*gasp* there!

  212. (You run for the bosses room when you run into cayne again)
    Cayne: what the hell? Yer supposed to be with the boss by now!
    Tsu: cayne, this is not one of ours!
    Cayne: oh your just imagining things. He is too one of ours!
    Tsu: (curses but walks off)
    Cayne: you better head for the bosses room now. Its dangerous here when tsu is around.
    (ok now tsu caught you but cayne bailed you out of there because he still thought you were part of team crypt. Keep going)

  213. *Keeps running while holding sub-weapons for protection*

  214. (finally you reach me)
    ok you've made it here. lets see here, you got spotted by tsu, ty and cayne but mons and archer didn't spot you. so you got spotted by 3 out of 5 admins but tsu was the only one who recognized you. you did better than your father because when he did the test he got recognized by tsu AND cayne.

  215. so you actually did it completly right.

  216. wow (0-0) (my father sucks) can't believe i did better

  217. i could use someone like youuuuu. team crypt could use you.

  218. Sure, count me in!

  219. but not without battling me first

  220. so if your gonna be on team crypt you have to battle me first

  221. I can't fight you :/ i'm very sorry, but i just can't *walks away*

  222. Ha I'm just kiddin guy. (hugs tight) you don't have to. But ever since last night....we've seen one of the strangest things. Just take a look at this. (shows you a video of several crypt grunts leaving the base then 10 min later a horde of zombies attack them) so there you have it.

  223. But the awkward thing is the zombies.....were former crypt grunts!

  224. Hmm....? Wonder what this could mean (how in the world did they turn to zombies?)

  225. Ahhh that's the idea. They turned into zombies because......yah I don't know neither does anyone else. Now if I knew the cause we'd have a starting point.

  226. o.o OH MY GOD! Theres a light user out there. It's......your father! He can't take all those zombies alone. There's like 1000 of them!

  227. Let's go help him! :o(woah! I finally get to meet my father (cries in joy)

  228. Husky, leave it to me. I'll use (brings out a sword with lasers for the blades) the holoenergy blade!

  229. Thank you soo much ;.; your a true friend

  230. (kills all zombies with a shockwave from my blade then walks away) you can now see yer father but I'll see you around. (looks back at you) i cannot be with you when you do 'cause he's yer father not mine. I no have one. My family left me when I started team crypt. Now I needs a new one. But who the hell would do that for me.

  231. I would like for you to be a part of my family =] Only if you'd like to be

  232. I'll do it n////n

  233. Wait a minute. How do i know your family won't reject me.

  234. The Light users are very nice people ^-^

  235. Oh I'm sure they are. God, I don't think Its that bad. Whatever just where (looks around) I don't see any.

  236. o.o D..Dad!? *Suddenly, my father disappears* what just happened?

  237. Hold on *brings out a little communicater* report, where is huskys father, cayne come in (instead of cayne, the image of Ty shows up) where is cayne!
    Ty: I don't know, boss. He was there a second a- ahhhhh (a horde of zombies attacks him before theres just static) Crud. Husky, we have to go back to crypt HQ. we got zombies!

  238. Apparently there are some left over from earlier. They infiltrated the base.

  239. Crap! This is bad, this is very bad :/ we gotta stop those zombies! :O

  240. Already taken care of n.n (presses a button on a little controller and the base explodes) ah I never liked that base anyways. I got another one somewheres. Anywho. Wait a sec. I'm now part of your family but we're not related o.o what the heck do we do 'bout that!

  241. Besides, I've never even seen yer family soooo what do we do about that too?

  242. Husky how about this. If I'm part of your family I'll put them on team crypt (if you want) and I'll teach them everything I know. Well almost everything. (holds my paw out) deal? Oh and take this (shows you a sword with a green aura from a green and black blade) its called the zeoknight blade. I've been saving this in case I ran into someone worthy of it. (holds it out to you) can I trust you with the zeoknight blade?

  243. Ill gaurd it with my life! =] Thank you very much

  244. You got a deal n,n ill introduce you to my family soon enough

  245. *sigh* team chaos has been after this blade for some time now.

  246. And I hope so. I'm puttin major hopes into it husky.

  247. You can count on me sir :D

  248. Lol x infinity

  249. 0.0

  250. Never mind. Hold on a minute. You and me use a different element, we ain't related, and I never seen yer family. What about that stuff?

  251. Who cares :/

  252. Oh for the love of..... Yer testin my patience. (starts to walk away) I cannot be part of yer family if you won't show 'em to me.

  253. :/ *brings my family* family meet my friend...uhh? Ahem, friend meet my family soo yeah, ill let you guys talk now, soo i'm gonna go now alright ~..~

  254. Hold on (grabs you by the neck) we have unfinished business. You owe me. I saved yer fathers sorry ass so you owe me one.

  255. *looks at your family* sorry you had to see that. *looks at you* I'm part of yer family now idiot. So now thou owes me. And man I gotta stop swearing.

  256. T.T My father says thanks for saving him and umm...what do i owe you? I'm too lazy to introduce you properly =.=

  257. Hahahaha yer bein silly. You owe me (gives you a kiss) a little make out session.

  258. Maybe over a pm or something -_- but will talk about it later

  259. Lucky me. But you haven't turned me down once. I wonders why.

  260. Meh ~..~ maybe this time i will

  261. o.o why would you do that!

  262. Then stop wondering such silly things ~.~ or i might just change my mind

  263. D'oh I derped.

  264. Would you be happy if i said noo? >.<

  265. Oh hell no hell noooo. I'm never happy when someone says no. And goddamn I forgot to get full restores.

  266. lol :p (cuttie)

  267. What was that word in brackets? I cannot understand it. And no really I has no full restores!

  268. nah it's nothing :p

  269. I'm gonna dieeee noooo.

  270. 0-0 (wtf)

  271. I'm gonna lose to lance!

  272. Oh :p

  273. Woot I beat lance!

  274. Yeeah >.> (claps)

  275. But that leads to Only the kanto gym leaders and red to go.

  276. --_-- goodluck kiddo :3

  277. I'll deal with it later. I need more eevees.

  278. K

  279. But it's soo hard to breed pokemon right now since I forgot how to do it.

  280. Breeding=Cute

  281. How do I breed pokemon again?

  282. You breed breed breed breed breeeed! :D
    i dunno >.>

  283. Espeon rules, vaporeon leafeon and jolteon are ok, and glaceon and flareon also rule!

  284. yep :p

  285. Oh shit I fergot about umbreon. Uuummmm its in between somewhere. Oh I battle this rocket grunt and he had the weirdest speech pattern ever. To fun the grunt. You go to kanto, go to cerulean city. Then go to the power plant then talk to the guy near the generator then the guard asks you to deal with a "shady character", that's the rocket grunt. He doesn't battle when you first find him in the gym, but when you find him on the bridge he'll try to hide himself between two other people then when you talk to him he'll battle you. He's really a disbanded rocket grunt who did not know team rocket was disbanded. Sorry if this is too much.

  286. I meant find the grunt, sorry again.

  287. I learned a lot from you n,n

  288. I'm sure you did. Buut I have plans (vanishes as ty rushes toward you)
    Ty: you'd Better keep an eye on her. She's been up to some pretty odd things lately with some other girls we never seen before. And yes I'm asking you to spy on her. At this point she's probably gone to her home.

  289. TY? Huh...?

  290. (admin of team zephyr, durr. Anywho yer supposed to spy on me) god forbid. I gotta get the band going fer our next show. (band name: project zephyr) we've reached the top of the list. And I'm gonna make sure project zephyr stays at the top. (a little sign drops to the ground with a photo of me and my band *all members of the band are girls* reading) If you have a band try and take on project zephyr. Choose your option wisely or project zephyrs music will blow you away!

  291. (theres fine print as well) *all bands are welcome in the competition. You have to go through 5 bands and If you beat all 5 you have a chance to compete against project zephyr*
    Ty: I dunno about this husky. Project zephyr is the toughest band ever! No band has ever beaten them! If you want to be champions like them (you can't take their title away from them) you have to beat project zephyr in order to become champion!

  292. So you got what I said? U gotta make a band, beat my band and you become champion.