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Posted on: April 29, 2012, at 07:47:25pm

tooo damn funny...

  1. HEY EVERY ONE!!! Remember to get your diabetes! n.n ITS FREE!!!!!

  2. Nice song :D
    Im not dumb enough to get diabetes :s

  3. No ones dumb enough to get 'em.

  4. Ahahahahaha I laughed a bit some parts. So funny n.n

  5. Actually, you might be surprised Nega -_- *points at Eternal* meh >.>

  6. You know im kidding right Eternal? >.< Zauriel, i like messing with eternal, he's a really cool guy :p

  7. oh okkeeey oookyyy n/n

  8. er husky. me and nega are both the same person.

  9. O///O (moment of silence) *walks away -_-*

  10. buuuuut i use this account more often. hey come back husky! *runs after you*

  11. LOL XD

  12. *whispers*hey Zauriel, he never caught me ^^
    he he hee >;3

  13. *shows up near you* I'd rethink what you just said husky heh heh.

  14. *gulp* wwaaaaaahhahaaaa!!!!! O__O Where'd you come from! *runs away as far as possible*

  15. *runs after you but twice as fast* you can't lose me husky.

  16. Darn my tired legs T..T curse you eternal!!! *gets caught*

  17. Heh heh I was trained by zauriel.

  18. *Gets jealous >..<*

  19. Heh heh problem? Awww it's not that bad. Come on husky. Cheer up.

  20. thanks buddy :s im ok, i hope to surpass you both in the near future

  21. Seems now you have me to beat.

  22. Guess i have my 1st rival! >:D

  23. Heh heh. I'm a hard to beat rival. I'm always a step ahead of most. Well I let zauriel stay better than me. 'cause he's one of my best friends.

  24. Oh please >.> Zauriel can beat you without even trying xD

  25. Maybe so. He can. But yooouuuu can't heh heh. I'm never even going to try and beat him. You on the other hand I can beat easily. And you are sooo dead for saying that!

  26. (There he goes again, thinking highly of himself)v.v
    *sigh*whatever kid. . . *walks away*

  27. DON'T YOU DARE TALK TO ME LIKE THAT! (runs after you)

  28. You don't own me > , >

  29. Nor do you me

  30. Sorry for being rude v.v

  31. yeah i'm sick of always fighting with my friends. it doesn't feeeeel good >.<

  32. Same here :s i was joking around with you the wrong way.

  33. ok got it.