Zauriel's photos

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Uploaded on May 26, 2012 at 09:40:44pm

Picture Comments

  1. Meh ok n.n *licks*

  2. It's ok :3

  3. I am allll embarrassed right now o.o

  4. ^-^

  5. I...good point.

  6. Sheesh, just asking if you had it or not >.> get all defensive why don't ya :3

  7. o.o for now....this is all I got right now. I'm working on that. Hey I can't get everything I need y'know.

  8. I'm busy all the time :3 very sorry for that, do you have aim or something like that?

  9. o.o good idea I was feelin uneasy too. Also yer late with yer responses.

  10. I feel uncomfertable doing stuff like this when people can read what we are doing ~..~ pm's are better

  11. (continues kissing you) I hardly ever get the chance to make out with people making out with you? (gives you the puppy dog eyes while kissing you)

  12. ^-^ i am now

  13. But (gives you a kiss) I'd better make sure yer ok

  14. Ah, :D so that's what it is, hmm...interesting

  15. Oh that wasn't a potion. That's what's known as a sacred ash. It can revive anything.

  16. *Husky is now healed* xD thanks

  17. Here use this. (pulls out a golden revival potion and forces it down your throat)

  18. *Still injured on the ground -_- zZzZzZzzz with a bit of drool*

  19. Husky are you ok? (flies down to you and gives you a little kiss) come on. Wake up.

  20. Gaaaahhhh! *Colapses on the ground completely wounded* your w..way too p...powerful for me.... uhh *feints*

  21. Hmhmhmhmhm (flies high up) *shadow meteor* (hurls black meteors at you non-stop)

  22. -Godly Arrow!- *aims right at you while dashing towards you at an incredible speed*

  23. I want to see your power at its full potential

  24. Why fight youu? I don't wanna hurt you :/

  25. Basically use your power of light to spar with my dark power.

  26. Pit my power to huh...? O.o

  27. *snaps my fingers* that's it! How about we pit your power of light against my power of darkness!

  28. I sure am gonna miss the power of light ;.; can i be both darkness and light?

  29. My boss, mons, is going to make YOU a shadow Pokemon and it'll be all thanks to me n.n

  30. ah -_-

  31. Because (takes off my clothes to reveal a zephyr uniform) I'm an admin on team zephyr.

  32. Why there? :/

  33. oh you bet. i'm taking you......back to my boss, mons, at Zephyr HQ.

  34. :3 what's going on? Are we going somewhere? *Yawns while rubbing my eyes*

  35. or maybe (breaks the crystal, then flies off with you) my boss mons, will be so pleased with what i did n.n

  36. hmhmhmhm *wakes up* (i hate to do this to husky but..) *takes my clothes off to reveal a team zephyr uniform* (as an admin of team zephyr, i must report back to my boss, mons) *traps you in a indestructible crystal* sorry husky, i have my orders. *flies off*

  37. Woahh!? o.o (loud mouth -_- must i put tape to shut his trap) team ZEPHYR... hmm *falls back asleep*

  38. *wakes up instantly* TEAM ZEPHYR MUST FALLLLLL *falls back to sleep*

  39. (Strange little fellow, ain't he...) no sense in sleeping in the cold *wraps a warm blanket around you* there ya go :3 *sleeps some place else*

  40. sor- *falls asleep before i can finish*

  41. O..O ! Let me sleep will ya >:O

  42. WTF (kicks) come on, up and at 'em

  43. *Yawns* ~-~ *sleeps* zZzZzZzzz. . . . .

  44. o.o (runs away)

  45. . . . . .no response

  46. Your forgiving me? (is about to cry) but I've been so mean to you.

  47. Yesh ^.^ how could i not, just look at that face of yours *looks at eternal's puppy dog eyes* n,n aww

  48. I'm kidding I'm kidding *hugs* can you ever forgive me?

  49. ,*gasp* hmm... -_- *annoyed*

  50. What elders >.> (man he's Fallin for it)

  51. x.x respect your elders fool...

  52. You meanie n.n (pushes you for no reason) you are mean

  53. . . . Doesn't matter anymore :3 just drop it ok ^^

  54. No yet not

  55. I'm 110% sure im telling the truth (meh heh heh >=3)

  56. yeah right -.- you just don't want to tell me, is that it? 'cause you say you forgot but i think yer lyin.

  57. I'm talking about...uh..well know something, i don't quite remember 0.0 please don't get mad n,n

  58. c'mon confess. what're you talking about

  59. nothing 0-0

  60. Hmmmm?

  61. (=^0^=) yesh! Me did well

  62. (let's out a soft moan)

  63. *Licks your neck*

  64. *licks and gives you a kiss* me too husky, me too

  65. <( ^ - ^ )> i miss kirby games! *Pokes*

  66. (huga and blushes)

  67. n//n

  68. That's ok. n.n your still cute to me n.n

  69. *Hugs back* im ok :) just feeling tired is all v.v

  70. Oh husky, cheer up please. Or do I have to do the puppy dog face again? (hugs)

  71. hmph...

  72. Heh your attitude just never changes does it husky.

  73. Meh >.> whatever dude

  74. You know what I mean.

  75. Hold up, not the way i think!? o.o i never thought you loved me that way xD i know we're just friends lol i never thought nothing else

  76. Husky. No I don't love you so don't think that but. I love you as a friend but not the way you think.

  77. n///n *hugs back* thanks E.T

  78. Oh never mind husky n.n I just want to be nice to you (hugs you from behind) besides I find you really cute n.n

  79. *Continue's to growl* (i dunno about this. . .)

  80. Oh come now husky. It'sperfect being ob the dark side.

  81. gggrrrrr*growls*

  82. *grabs you with psychic power* hahaha you cannot leave. I grant you supreme power and you just leave? *millions of shadow knights surround you* you will NOT leave. So you have no choice but to accept it. But for now you are my PRISONER.

  83. (What am i doing?)nvm, forget i even said anything =3 *walks away*

  84. Hmhmhmhmhm AAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA! Thats more like it but I'm afraid you have not gained my respect just yet.

  85. *Husky finally joins the team of Darkness*
    *bows* thank you, Lord Eternal

  86. That's right husky. Together we will be unstoppable. Join me husky, and I will make you more powerful then you can possibly imagine.

  87. Guess the power of light doesn't quite meet my expectations :/ So i will imbrace darkness instead >:D

  88. But you didn't did you. You wouldn't even try......weakling.

  89. Heh

  90. Here i thought i was powerful enough to defeat you....*drops to my knees in shame*

  91. I've defeated the power of light before. What makes thou think I cannot do it again.

  92. Ahahahahahaha fool.

  93. It, Can't, Be. . .

  94. Grrrrr I do not care for light does NOT weaken me like it does others.

  95. I'm all bright and everything :) you can't go near the light or you'll get weaker

  96. Your not getting away. *chaos rift* (follows you)

  97. *Almighty Flash* soo long, sucker! ^ ^

  98. More like the stupid husky. *comes back but with 2 black twin-bladed swords* now have at you!

  99. Meh >.> . . . yeah! You better run away! =D Fear the mighty Husky :3 Rawr

  100. Grrrr *dissapears*

  101. oops o.o

  102. Nooo I'll kill you now!

  103. Someday? Don't you mean never =D

  104. grrr how insolent. someday i'll destroy you!

  105. (Now will be a perfect time to try out this new move i came up with) -Deflective Light! ! !- *deflects your attack with a mere flash of light* don't underestimate me! -Almighty Flash!- *disappears using the Almighty Flash teleportation technique*

  106. Diiieee *charges at you while hurling dark balls of energy*

  107. Meh heh heh! >=D

  108. Grrrr damn you husky >.<

  109. Fooled ya didn't i :D

  110. ^-^ i know

  111. Awwww husky. (goes over to you and hugs you) come on, guy. Cheer up. I was just kiddin

  112. T.T *emo corner*

  113. (completly pissed) come to the mother****ing dark side husky. DO IT!

  114. Meh >.>

  115. God husky your such a pain when it comes to the whole
    Enslaving bit. What is your deal! Come to the dark side, husky, coooome toooooo the darrrrrrrk siiiiide.

  116. not me i hope >;3 being a slave, isn't really my style ^ ^

  117. because what the heck would i do then?

  118. heyyyy let me help you with that.

  119. I dont destroy silly n//n destruction its totally stupid! why would I destroy when I can infect and take every one as my eternal slaves~<3?

  120. the blacklight can destroy anything o.o what i wouldn't give to join forces with somethin like that.