Good Profile! UnCool! 

FFR Average Rank:45,710
FFR Grandtotal Rank:172,731
FFR Grandtotal:41,997,640
FFR Games Played:312
FFR Player
Yukio-chan's Details
Snowboarding Drawing manga Reading manga Watching anime Writeing manga/anime
Fav Music:
Japanese music Techno Trance etc.
Fav Movies:
Spirited Away Inuyasha 1234 Naruto Naruto Shippuden The Illusionist Disney Movies
Member for: 13.32 years
Gaming Region:Canada
Location:Ontario, Canada
Last Activity:01-18-2013
Profile Views: 656
Profile Votes:14
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ddr_f4n writes at 3:51:08pm on 4/8/11
Oooh awesome, that's real high, a mark I NEVER get in Art unless it was art history xD
ddr_f4n writes at 3:19:33pm on 4/8/11
Yup, so how's everything else with you?
ddr_f4n writes at 3:01:58pm on 4/8/11
I'm sure you would, lifeguarding pays REALLY well for your age :P
ddr_f4n writes at 9:37:15pm on 4/7/11
Well when you finally become a lifeguard you can save up the money you make to get a laptop maybe? :V
ddr_f4n writes at 9:00:41am on 4/7/11
Aww really? Damn that sucks x.x You don't have your own comp then? x.x
ddr_f4n writes at 4:53:36pm on 4/6/11
Yeah but it's completely free. As well as the files. I made 3 packs for the game so you can start with that though if you want.
ddr_f4n writes at 4:03:28pm on 4/6/11
Yeah you should definitely try it out, it's amazing
ddr_f4n writes at 5:52:48pm on 4/1/11
Yeah, a free program like FFR except looks more like DDR and you can add your own songs and make your own stepcharts :V
ddr_f4n writes at 6:02:33pm on 3/31/11
Aww *hugs* well, I use to be not so good at all before as well, just...lots of practice and playing stepmania really helped :P
ddr_f4n writes at 4:25:51pm on 3/31/11
Haha, most of it is from playing my friends who aren't as good as me soooo :P