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About me:
im 19 im pretty cool i guess ----------------------- me= emo/girly/tomboy ------------------------ OMG I LOVE STEWIE GRIFFIN:D hehe ... *Bordem* -------------------------- im bored alot so i try keep myself bussy i do the WEIRDEST things you could ever imagine lol
Joe:D<3 and Stewie :)and my DADDY<3:D oooh and David Archuleta<33
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i can't put my favorite music then I'll be like racist to other music lol j/k but yea haha :)
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anything funny or scary or just interesting :)
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Random Thoughts
45 things a girl would kill for.....
Posted on: March 16, 2008, at 01:43:06pm   [0 comments]
1-touch their waist
2-talk to them
3-share secrets
4-give her your jacket
5-kiss them slowly
are you remembering this?
6-hug her
7-hold her
8-laugh with her
9-invite her somewhere
10-let her be with you when you're with your friends
keep reading
11-smile with her
12-take pics with her
13-pull her onto your lap
14-when she says she loves you more, deny it. Fight back
15-when her friends say I love her more than you, deny it. Fight back and
hug her tight so she can’t get to her friends. It makes her feel loved
Are you thinking about someone?
16-always hug her and say I love you when you see her
17-kiss her unexpectedly
19-tell her she’s beautiful, not sexy!
20-tell her the way you feel about her!
..20 u need to show her you mean it too
21-kiss her on the lips
22-DONT ask her to buy you stuff. you buy HER stuff
23-tell her what feels good!
24-make her feel loved
25-buy her stuff. SMALL THINGS STILL HELP!
we might deny it but we acutely like and kind of want you to get us things
28-take her anywhere she wants
29-txt message or call her in the morning and tell her have a good day at
school, and how much you miss her
30-be there for her when ever she needs you, & even when she doesn't need
you, just be there so she'll know that she can always count on you
are you still reading this? u better be! its important
31. Hold her close when she's cold and she can hold you too.
32. When you are alone hold her close and kiss her.
33. Kiss her on the tip of her nose; (it will give her the hint that you
want to kiss them).
34. While in the movie, put your arm around her and then she will
automatically put her head on your shoulder, then lean in and TILT HER CHIN
35. Don’t ever tell her to leave even jokingly or act like you're mad. If
she’s upset, comfort her
remember this next time you are with her
36. When people diss her, stand up for her.
37. Look deep into her eyes and tell her you love her.
38. Lay down under the stars and put her head on your chest so she can
listen to the steady beat of your heart, Link your fingers together while
you whisper to her as she rests her eyes and listens to you.
39. When walking next to each other grab her hand.
40. When you hug her hold her in your arms as long as possible
41. Call her at night to wish her sweet dreams.
42. Comfort her when she cries and wipe away her tears.
43. Take her for long walks at night.
44. Dedicate a song to her.
45. Always Remind her how much you love her.
youll never know when she needs just a little more love

Posted on: March 13, 2008, at 04:00:09pm   [4 comments]
kiss me:
Hug me:
Date me:
Love me:
Hate me:
Hold me:
Lie to me:
Hurt me:
Cheat on me:
Dance with me:
Grind with me:
Touch me:
Stare at me:
Cuddle with me:
Make a move on me:
Play with me:
Watch a movie with me:
Get me a B-day gift?:
Be there for me:
Bring me around your friends:
Ask me out:
Like me:
Take advantage of me:
Let me take advantage of u:
Hangout with me:
Take care of me if I wasn't feeling good:
Hold hands with me:
Do something incredibly sweet for me:
Have sex with me:
Tell me you love me:
Let me call you:
What would you do if you woke up next to me:

Posted on: March 13, 2008, at 03:46:51pm   [0 comments]

awesome websites:)
Posted on: March 2, 2008, at 12:07:55pm   [1 comment]
ok here are two websites that are like wicked cool and funny and kinda scary lol
on click scary optical illusion and do what the instructions say and ur all good but if you get scared easily then don't do it.
on its rly fun theres these games that i really like, like bubble wrap and the maze theres other things that you do on so yea

have fun:) or have fun getting scared lol

R.I.P daddy 1/25/1965 - 2/14/2008 :(
Posted on: February 14, 2008, at 05:17:46pm   [2 comments]

Comment wall
manthedan writes...
at 4:31:10pm on 12/15/10
tryme415 writes...
at 2:18:44pm on 3/11/09
hey i love you too lol. long time no see
unspokenblues writes...
at 11:08:42pm on 2/3/09
You're never on anymore, what's up with that?
Smokey Demons writes...
at 9:11:35pm on 1/18/09
Hey my names Dylan.
Hows it going ?
Your background is pretty cool :-P
dunnski007 writes...
at 4:21:09pm on 1/17/09
Thank you ^_^
joep49 writes...
at 9:13:55am on 1/17/09
lol ok i will...byes
joep49 writes...
at 9:05:07am on 1/17/09
so dont listen to him...why do you care what he thinks
joep49 writes...
at 8:49:34am on 1/17/09
because im trying to get my bike fixed before my friends get here. and who called your boyfriend a faggot?
joep49 writes...
at 8:43:09am on 1/17/09
lol i only had time for 3 right now
joep49 writes...
at 8:32:39am on 1/17/09
haha thanks for all the pic comments xD
i loves you too!!! lol
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