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I think my life is a mistake..
Posted on: December 2, 2009, at 12:17:06pm

Right now I hate my life. I need advice from one more person... This will determine my final decision.

  1. Your life does not suck, You are a beautiful, compassionate, woman with a lot to offer and a life ahead of you, Everyone has their dark moments but it's how you make it through them that defines you as a person, and if you need help I will be here for you because even though you are across this country, I love you and you mean a lot to me. If you need anything just ask me I will be straight up honest with you, Your life does not suck. I promise you, as long as you keep strong you will always find a way out, or a way will find you. If it can happen to me it WILL happen to you, just hang in there and remember you are loved forever. <3