Good Profile! UnCool! 
Unwise's Lover
FFR Player
FFR Average Rank:59,475
FFR Grandtotal Rank:135,830
FFR Grandtotal:59,013,895
FFR Games Played:177
Last Activity:09-25-2009
Member for: 15.55 years
Gaming Region:USA - Great Lakes
Profile Views: 1,675
Profile Votes:42
Referred Users: 1
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Unwise's Lover's Details
About me:
Hello there! I am Sam. Otherwise known as Omar. Either one is fine. Straight to the point: I am an atheist. So if that's a problem, leave now. Other than that, however, I love music. I want to be a band teacher, once I'm done with school. In case you're not very intelligent and I really need to tell you, I play the flute. I am very random, as you'll notice. (I lost the game.) I'm very outgoing... You know what, the rest can be said through these nifty boxes that will appear under this short paragraph that is not a paragraph.
I like to mess with my camera, but I'm not really sure if that counts as 'photography' persay... Obviously, I love music. My band teacher is the best anyone's ever had, regardless of what you may think. I like joking around with my friends, and being hyper... Ahhh, good times, good times... I love all sciences, but particularily astronomy. And earth science, but I only point that one out because it's normally paired with astronomy. (And yes, I do believe there is life somewhere out there besides just Earth. Think about it for a second. Millions of billions of trillions of possibilities of life existing on a planet. I mean, no one can refute the fact that, out of all the planets in the universe, there's only ONE that contains life. Pf. Yeah. "Oh, but GOD loves us and GOD created us special because GOD hates the rest of the freaking universe!" Do you hear yourself? How-- Nope, no, this is a topic for my next blog, never mind.)
Fav Music:
Any and all! Rap and other REALLY heavy stuff tends to make my head hurt, particularily rap, but that may very well be only because I don't understand what they're saying most of the time... Here's my philosophy on music: "Music is music, and each song was written by someone with a story to tell." Lol, worded it myself, very proud of that fact! XD
Fav Movies:
Pretty much anything, as every genre has its own plot line, and every single frickin movie in a certain one is the same, for all intents and purposes. The only kind of movie I don't really enjoy watching are disney movies and horror movies (Prime example: All the Saw movies) as both genres make it painfully easy to predict the ending, and in general are just stupid. And further more, you must have no life if you have seriously sat and read all of this to yourself, or even out loud to others. That would be immensely creepy, but what can I do about it? Exactly. Nothing. Anyway... Get a life, do not read all this, go to a bar and have sex with a random person you will never see again, nor know what her/his name was. That should make you feel better about yourself.
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My Story!
Posted on: January 20, 2009, at 08:07:02am   [0 comments]
Ack! XD So, I've got this account on a site called And on it you can make polls and quizzes and poems and stories and stuff, right? So I was browsing around in the stories and found a ton of Joker fan fics, so I decided to write one. I'm actually really into it, and the people who read it seem to like it enough. So if you have some free time and wanna check it out, it's on, my username is SuperFanaticJokerFan and the story's call Achterbahn (A Joker Love Story) with nine chapters as of right now. XD See ya!


Posted on: December 18, 2008, at 06:34:33pm   [3 comments]
Alright, alright, I know that nobody wants to hear this, but I shall say it, just so it's out there, anyhow. I am a very good listener, and love to help people with any issues they might have. So if you need some anonomys third party to just hear you out, or something, I couldn't be happier to help. And I can try to give advice, too, if that's what you'd prefer. Again, just saying. Charlie, say nothing. :)

Happy Days!
Posted on: December 11, 2008, at 05:41:41pm   [0 comments]
Lol, everyone's going to think I'm an idiot for even considering sharing this with the world, as absolutely no one else cares, but I'm too ecstatic about it to NOT share! Ok, so at my school there's this thing called Jazz Lab, for ANYone to learn jazz. No auditions, no specific instruments, or anything like that. So my band teacher, Mr. Baxter, comes in early every Thursday morning, as well as everything else he does. Which consists of staying after school and coming in early quite often. So to thank him, we all chipped in and bought this program for him that normally costs like 500 dollars. But Kedra got a discount, so it was only about 200. It's a thing that lets you compose music easily on the computer, and right now he has the '02 one, and anyone who knows a thing about computers knows that seven years in computer world is like dinosaurs in normal world. And today we gave it to him, and it was the coolest thing to see him so entirely happy that we thought to get this for him. One phrase I like to bring up was this: "This is freakin phenomenous!" Yes. Phenomenous. He started going through the manual and telling us all the awesome new things he can do now, and he said this. "I'm going to tell the world, I have to go tell Potvin. I am going to tell the world, starting with Potvin!" Mr. Potvin is the... Sort-of choir teacher, who became Baxter's best friend last year, as that's the first year he started working at our school. Alright, I'm done rambling about people no one knows, and things no one cares about! : D

Comment wall
Darkevilfish writes...
at 9:40:41pm on 8/4/09
Hey, how come you haven't been on? I really miss you.
And Unwise closed her profile ... :( i don't know why but i'm sad. READ AND REPLY PLEASE! :)
Demonspawn67 writes...
at 8:42:31pm on 7/21/09
hehe, sam
punisher1000 writes...
at 8:31:31am on 7/14/09
hey how ya ben beautifull
Darkevilfish writes...
at 4:51:18pm on 6/12/09
Hey Love, :3 I haven't talked to you in forever.
Unwise writes...
at 11:52:22am on 3/27/09
Unwise writes...
at 8:08:05pm on 3/26/09
You can be such a bitch XD You are a horrible bf
You know you like kyle. I'm just not sure how to go about getting you two together lol
Unwise writes...
at 11:29:23am on 3/24/09
What do you think to both of those?
Unwise writes...
at 6:54:56pm on 3/21/09
Hey lover back.
punisher1000 writes...
at 9:56:47am on 3/3/09
hey im her but usually im nt on this im hangin out and texting my friends
EtherCloud writes...
at 5:52:42pm on 2/18/09
whoops meant movies not music in last post sry blame the drugs
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