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Why I am Emo
Posted on: October 29, 2007, at 07:23:25pm

~Myself, I have my own thing...I'm Emo and Miranda (person @ school) tries to be Emo, Happy and Metal head at the same time. I have previously cut myself but for the sake of my friend and my boyfriend I have stopped.
I don't have the correct hair for a real emo hair-cut but I do see the world as half-alive, why I am the way I am is that I know I should be happy because when I was abused as a child I was told it was normal. Yes I had no idea that, being thrown down the stairs, being pulled up by the hair, being hit across the face with a belt and being hit so hard that 3 teeth fell out was not normal. So i paid no mind until I found out at age 9. . .and then I researched child abuse and I only got half as bad as what most children got, and I feel terrible knowing how bad their lives are. so I take it out on myself. Every tear is a thousand sorrows and ever cut is worth a thousand smiles.
I reject popular fads such as Highschool musical and MTV. I despise those things, they are un entertaining and MTV is focused on Rap, the shittiest genre in the world. but that is my thinking.