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Osu!mania milestones
Posted on: September 25, 2016, at 07:36:46pm

Ok maybe I should edit this thought lmao. I'm somewhere in the range of rank 250 in osu!mania, though that's not saying much about my skill level since all keymodes are combined on the same leaderboards, so w/e

Played in the 2017 world cup, USA got second place B)))

Got a ranked chart and gained some amount of competency with charting in general owob, maybe I'll submit something to FFR again someday who knows

Considered one of the best, if not the best, LN and SV player in the US (AJ is probably better at SVs but I think LNs I'm safe)

Crazy to see how far I've come in this game, whether that be through FFR or osu!mania (or even etterna which I've started playing)

Update (7/10/2018)

Ok at this point I've gotten tachyon v1 and v2, the only one left now is v3 and that is the one I need to be officially considered tachyon level. Soontm

2018 4k MWC is coming up and I do plan on playing again. From what I've heard South Korea may not be nearly as strong as they were last year so USA might have an opportunity to make a run for first (fingers crossed). Let's give it our all

Update (5/29/2019)

A bit late on the draw but MWC 2018 ended over half a year ago, and we got 2nd place...again. Managed to beat Brazil twice (once in the third place match where we won 7-5, and one in arguably the best 4k world cup match that has ever happened in winner's semis where we won in the tiebreaker 7-6). Almost took down South Korea, giving them a good fight in winner's finals, losing 5-7 because of a questionable late pick from us and a good final pick from SK. Ultimately weren't able to give a particularly good fight in grands either, but that's alright. Looking forward to next year to see what everyone brings to the table.

In other news, SOFT4 started a couple months ago, and I'm runnin full steam ahead, making it to winner's semifinals, so far only having lost one point in matches, to SillyFangirl in groups, which wasn't surprising. Hopefully I perform well in semis and move on to face either Electro or wonder5193, and do well against whichever I am up against, but we will have to see I suppose.

  1. When you can barely farm back to top 20k D:

  2. how do you start getting ranks in the world??? I have done hundreds of songs now and in the multi millions for score, how do you rank ??

  3. To get ranks you have to play "ranked" maps, because they are the only ones to give pp.