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Posted on: December 24, 2008, at 01:10:37am

So I figure I'm going to start blogging about my life, aka rambles and random dribbles. I doubt anyone will read this, let alone care, but I figure this is a venue for me to rant. lulz.

I'm a week and a half into vacation. It's been relatively wasted, too. I have not accomplished anything significant. These are the things I want to do for a "perfect" vacation:

-Attend a rave, or at least a dance club.
-Write at least 20 poems.
-Begin a novel I've been thinking about for a while, and write at least one chapter.
-Attempt to finish producing a CD
-Read five novels of moderate length. (250-400 pages)
-Read all of Shakespeare's tragedies.
-Watch 20 movies
-Finish watching the sitcom Weeds, and begin a new television program.
-Go bowling at least once.

It's nearly Christmas and I still have not finished my shopping: Sorry to my close friends who will have to wait until after Christmas, since I need to purchase things online.

I must admit, I'm very bored. I want to return to school and begin next semester. Unfortunately, that's pleading for a full month of my life to dissolve. Yet the courses I'm taking should be a lot of fun, and I really miss my friends at school.

Lately I've been entertained by Shostakovitch's Fifth, which is such a masterpiece. A classical work is always great when it can conjure an image in the listener's mind of Moscow aflame. The Fifth Symphony is regarded as one of the most important classical works of the 20th century.

Grades were released, 3.7. I suppose I'm happy.

My transfer application to Syracuse University is just about finished. I feel...empty, mostly because I haven't been involved in organizations these past few years. I've only been in a writer's group, philosophy club, history club, and I've done some stuff with the university radio station. Lame.

I think this coming semester I need to be more involved. Or I could lie on my application. SU would never know.


Unfortunately the application is due January 1st, and I just recently learned this. Either I inconvenience professors for letters of recommendations, and the registrar for my transcript, or I can forget applying to SU.

Anyway, have a wonderful Christmas, people! :)<3

Quote of the day:
The world is mud-luscious and puddle-wonderful.
e. e. cummings

Word of the day: Opine -
To express one's opinion openly and without hesitation.

  1. It's odd you had Shakespeare's tragedies on that list; I was thinking of doing the same thing this break.
    Of course, I haven't "gotten around to it" either. xD.

  2. Ah, cooool.
    How's that odd? lulz. This coming semester I am taking a course on Shakespeare's tragedies, so I want to re-read what I have read, and read what I have not.
    How's your break been?