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Spring Showdown Tournament
Posted on: March 12, 2023, at 08:02:57pm

i do not remember the last time i touched this account or really any vsrg in general. assumedly rusty as h*eck. thankfully i have like nearly two weeks to type the arrows to the beat. they recommend 600 played charts, and i'm at 645 i think, so that's good.

chances are i'll be in d5. probably will end up placing around the middle of the pack but no guarantees

round 1 - Diversion
holy hell i cannot read chordspam to save my life. first full score was 45-5-5-39. could practice but would probably mindblock if i did. would easily get eliminated so quickly if this tourney had eliminations but it doesn't so hoorayyyyy

ngl i kinda forgot this tournament existed. only reason i got a score in at this time was because i checked my email. could go for scores tomorrow, not like i have too much better to do anyway

hiiiii so my computer kinda broke down a short while ago. turns out it has a motherboard that breaks down in no more than a year. may i eat the ceo of lenovo for his grave sins. it may be repaired sometime in the next month.

this makes me more or less unable to participate in this tournament. i do have bigger concerns that would have hindered my ability to perform anyways