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Song i made ( Piano:The light)
Posted on: August 8, 2008, at 02:34:08am

  1. Song i made earlier today!
    Please leave comments and i will write back as soon as possible!
    Thank you!

  2. Holy crap Tony.
    Keep 'em comin with the pretty sounds and whatnot! :o it's goooood. Very good.

  3. this would sound like the near ending of the book where the hero and the love interest talk about whats going to happen after all of it is over and they all say their last goodbyes before the final battle

  4. battle

  5. OH that sounds Awesome!

  6. i can make that section of story if you want

  7. Oh that would be Great tony!

  8. Celeste looked at Alex. "'s finally time for this to all end" Alex looked at her and smiled. "yeah" he said to her. " this has gone on long enough" he drew the sacred sword and watched as it shone through the rays or the setting sun. "we've been through one heck of a journey to get this, "and if it wasnt for you and gavret--" he paused for a moment as the memory of his fallen friend filled his thoughts. Celeste put her hand on his shoulder. "i know you wish he was still here, but he did what he had to do so that no one else would suffer at the hands of Sethril and his monsters." she smiled again. "we have to succeed for the sake of gavret and your sister" Alex sheathed the sword and turned to face his hometown one last time. "dont worry mom" he thought. "i'll destroy Sethril and bring Sylvia back home." "lets go Celeste, im done here." Celeste looked puzzled. "arent you going to say goodbye to your mother? Alex lowered his head. "I can't
    but i promised that i would be back whe

  9. when i started this journey." He drew his sword one last time and pointed it towards the castle in the distance. "Sethril, now is the time you pay for all that you've done"

  10. OMG TONY THAT IS FREKEN INCREDICABLE IT DOES feel as if the story comes alive! I LOVE IT

  11. its even better when you read it out loud and pretend you are the characters. i did it, and it went with the song perfectly. then at the last sentence, the song picked up

  12. Im tellin you Tony you should be a Author!!! :D

  13. i've been thinking alot about it actually. but then people are like, hmm maybe, maybe not. but i heard that true writing is fueled by rejection

  14. oh i have to disagree i think you will make a Awesome writer!

  15. i think maybe i will, if i work hard enough for it

  16. You will be richer than JK rowling ( screw harry potter books) HELLO RPG !

  17. Sound awesome i like it. :)

  18. Tis sweet. Goes well with the music. Makes me remember a tad bit final fantasy with the names given and all...I should replay this game. It's laying right behind me on a shelf :P

  19. Thank you! Byakuya and Soldat!

  20. Welcome ^^

  21. I like this one too XD

  22. Thanks!