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coment here...(for now)
Posted on: May 18, 2012, at 08:37:19am

  1. woah! what happened to the comment box? also i'm loving ur new bkgrnd!!! its so hot and sexy!!!!! XP

  2. did u now? well why did u make it impossible to comment on ur profile

  3. thank you very much < i edit it myself. :3

  4. if u say so

  5. if you would like i could edit a picture for you

  6. :P whatever dude XD

  7. hahaha i'm not into yuri much, i'm more of a yaoi person

  8. Tanx for the vote =)
    And for the friend add :P

  9. whats that supposed to mean!? XD

  10. Yay ^^ I'm canadian, and you?

  11. ??? o.O

  12. uh....okay then XD

  13. Haha xD

  14. Well random back :3

  15. Sillyness :p we both be random

  16. I can ask my sister :)

  17. x)

  18. Haha hope you come back soon Mr. Batman Lover!

  19. We been messing with one another lately though

  20. Hetalia FAN! :D

  21. hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!!!!!!!! :P

  22. I see that :3

  23. I can see in the dark so ha

  24. Daaaa ^^

  25. lol! Me too :) I Fell like eating some gelato!

  26. Still can :p

  27. Oh?

  28. ^^

  29. @.@ What was that for? x.x

  30. You silly

  31. Hmmm

  32. Huh I wasn't laughin'

  33. What's wrong?

  34. Oh heh okay

  35. Lol kk

  36. Hmm well what if I don't?

  37. -laughs slightly- Doubt you'll do that

  38. o.o

  39. ty ty, and thanks for the vote, i already got you. sorry, i dont accept friend requests on here. :)

  40. :)

  41. Yes, indeedy

  42. I'm alright, just been lounging around recently. (: I need to write an essay!

  43. hika sama? o.O